CG1 2013/en: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

Riadok 47: Riadok 47:
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=== Lesson01 "Introduction to Computer Graphics" ===
=== Lesson01 "Introduction to Computer Graphics" ===
* Computer Graphics Applications
* Computer Graphics Applications

Verzia zo dňa a času 12:33, 15. máj 2015

Cg1 2013.jpg

Computer Graphics 1

What you Need to Pass

  • Attend lessons. One missed +0 points. 2 missed 0 points, 3 missed 0 points, 4 and more is Fx.
  • Project and exercise (mandatory, 70 points).
  • Solve all homework problems (mandatory each one >=30%, 10 points)
  • Mid term (mandatory, 20 points)
  • Pass final term (mandatory, 15 points) You will need to solve several problems discussed during lessons.
  • Pass oral/written exam: (mandatory, +15 points)
  • Summary
    • Attendance = 0 or -100 (Fx)
    • Exercise = +50..0
    • Activity = +10..0 (optional)
    • Project = +20..0 (optional)
    • Homework = +10..3 or +3..0 (Fx)
    • Mid term = +20..0
    • Final term = +15..0
    • Oral/written exam = +15..0
  • Grades
    • A = 92-100
    • B = 84-91
    • C = 76-83
    • D = 68-75
    • E = 60-67
    • Fx = 0-59

  • Schedule
    • Mon (18:10) - Room A (lecture)
    • Mon (10:40) - Room H3 (seminar)
    • Tue (09:50) - Room H6 (seminar)

Materials to read

Lesson01 "Introduction to Computer Graphics"

  • Computer Graphics Applications
  • Graphics Pipeline
  • Lecture notes: lesson01.pdf

Lesson02 Lesson03 "Scene Representations"

Cg1 2012 lesson02.png

  • Representation of Curves
  • Representation of Volumes
  • Representation of Surfaces
  • Lecture notes: lesson02.pdf
  • Štátnicová téma: Reprezentácie objektov v počítačovej grafike. (Mnohouholníkové siete, splajny, CSG, volumetrické reprezentácie (BSP, octree), implicitné reprezentácie. Výhody a nevýhody jednotlivých reprezentácií, vzájomné konverzie.)
  • Homework 1: HomeworkSet01.pdf deadline next week.

Lesson04 "Transformations and Projections"

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  • Linear Transformations
  • Affine Transformations
  • Perspective Projections
  • Parallel Projections
  • Lecture notes: lesson04.pdf
  • Poznámky v Slovenčine k téme Transformacie a Súradnice kamery
  • Štátnicová téma: Zobrazovací kanál. (Modelovanie 3D scény, snímanie, premietanie - rovnobeľné, stredové a ich vzájomný súvis. Súradnicové sústavy v zobrazovacom kanáli. Zaradenie algoritmov počítačovej grafiky (riešenie viditeľnosti, orezávanie...) do zobrazovacieho kanála. Zobrazovací kanál dvojrozmernej scény.)

Lesson05 "Line Clipping"

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  • Line clipping algorithms in the CG Pipeline
  • Cohen-Sutherland
  • Cyrus-Beck
  • Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl
  • Polygon clipping algorithms
  • Sutherland-Hodgeman
  • Lecture notes: lesson05.pdf
  • Poznámky v Slovenčine k téme Orezavanie
  • Štátnicová téma: Hľadanie prienikov a orezávanie. (Prieniky v rovine: prienik úsečiek, polpriamok, prienik s mnohouholníkom, prienik s konvexným mnohouholníkom, metódy hľadania prieniku úsečky a krivky. Prieniky v priestore: prienik úsečky a roviny, prienik úsečky a mnohouholníka. Algoritmy Cohen-Sutherland, Cyrus-Beck, Liang-Barsky a Nichol-Lee-Nichol pre orezávanie úsečky do okna. Orezávanie mnohouholníka do okna.)

Lesson06 [27.10] "Intersections and Scan Line Raterization"

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  • Computing basic intersections
  • Orientation function
  • Edge intersection tests
  • Scan Line conversion algorithm
  • Lecture notes: lesson06.pdf
  • Lecture notes in slovak: lesson06SK.pdf
  • Poznámky v Slovenčine k téme Prieniky
  • Homework 2: HomeworkSet02.pdf deadline for Example 1 and 2 next week [till 3. nov. 2014].

Lesson07 [3.11] "Rasterization"

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  • Line rasterization: DDA, Bresenham, Midpoint
  • Curve rasterization: Midpoint, Bresenham
  • Polygon rasterization
  • Filling algorithms: flood fill, boarder fill
  • Lecture notes: lesson07.pdf
  • Poznámky v Slovenčine k téme Rasterizácia
  • Štátnicová téma: Rasterizácia a antialiasing. (Algoritmy rasterizácie úsečky. Rasterizácia kvadratickej krivky, rasterizácia mnohouholníka pomocou skenovacej priamky. Prístupy k vypĺňaniu oblastí. Alias a metódy antialiasingu.)
  • Homework 2: HomeworkSet02.pdf deadline for Example 3 next week [till 10. nov. 2014, please handle the homework scan in the electronic form by email to prof. Durikovic, with the subject: CG1 EXAMPLE 3].

Lesson08 [10.11 Mihalik, Piovarci] "Midterm test"

  • Test problems are similar to homework problems.
  • Sit in lecture room A, two rows of seats will be free between rows of students, three seats will be free between students in row.
  • Test results 18.11.

Lesson09 [17.11] "Štátny sviatok"

Lesson10 [24.11 Mihalik] "Aliasing, Antialiasing and Visible Surface Determination"

Cg1 2012 lesson09.png

  • Aliasing, Nyquist frequency - Aliasing Aditional Material
  • Antialiasing: Postfiltering, Prefiltering, MSAA, CSAA - Antialiasing
  • Visibility Surface Determination: Object Space, Image Space, Priority List
  • Painter's Algorithm, Newel-Newel-Sancha
  • Schumacker, BSP-tree
  • Warnock's Algorithm
  • Z-buffer
  • Octree
  • Lecture notes: lesson07.pdf
  • Štátnicová téma: Algoritmy pre určovanie viditeľného povrchu. (Algoritmy v priestore objektov: využitie normálových vektorov, maliarove algoritmy, využitie volumetrických reprezentácií. Algoritmy v priestore obrazu: z-buffer, delenie okna. špeciálne algoritmy: zobrazovanie drôteného modelu, zobrazovanie grafu funkcie.)

Lesson11 [1.12 Mihalik] "The Graphics Pipeline"

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  • What is The Graphics Pipeline
  • Vertex Shader
  • Primitive Assembly
  • Tessellation Shaders
  • Geometry Shader
  • Geometry Postprocessing and Rasterization
  • Fragment Shader
  • Frame Buffer Operations
  • Lecture notes: lesson04.pdf

Lesson12 [8.12] "Representation and Blending of Images"

Cg1 2012 lesson11.png

  • Color Models
  • Image Blending Modes
  • Lecture notes: lesson10.pdf

Lesson13 [15.12] "FINAL test"

  • Test problems are similar to homework problems.
  • Sit in lecture room A, two rows of seats will be free between rows of students, three seats will be free between students in row.
  • Expect the test results till 24:00.
  • Bring the student index with you! Who fails has Fx.
  • Those wishing to get credits from CG1 this day, MUST pass the test with A (96-100%) and wait till the test results.

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