This is the homepage of 2-AIN-108 Computational Logic course in the Master program of Applied Informatics.

  • Lecturers: Martin Baláž, Martin Homola
  • Lab assistants: Martin Baláž
  • Schedule: Tue 8:10 M-IV (lectures), Wed 14:50 F1-108 (labs)


  1. First Order Logic
  2. Description Logics and Ontologies
  3. Logic Programming - Prolog
  4. Answer Set Programming


  • Midterm: 10 points (min 0)
  • Exam: 30 points (min 15)
  • Labs: 15 points (min 5)
  • Project/Homework: 15 points (min 5)
  • Total: 70 points


  • A: 62 and more points
  • B: 54 and more points
  • C: 47 and more points
  • D: 40 and more points
  • E: 34 and more points
  • Fx: less than 34 points

Lecture Slides

  1. First Order Logic, Syntax and Semanics


  1. First Order Logic, Syntax and Formalization
Verzia z 12:55, 25. september 2013, ktorú vytvoril Homola (Diskusia | príspevky) (Grading fix)