List of All Courses Provided by Department of Applied Informatics
This page lists all courses offered by our department.
Warning: The list does not yet reflect the changes to study program since the academic year 2015/2016. Update is in progress.
Courses that are part of our study programs, but are offered by other departments are not on THIS list. Please visit the page for the respective study program, to find links to the homepages of those courses, or teachers that are available/known to us. Please also note that some of the courses may be suspended in the coming semester: to find out about that, please at the page for the respective study program.
Bachelor program in Applied Informatics
- 1-AIN-110: Mathematics (1)
- 1-AIN-111: Mathematics Complementary Classes (1)
- 1-AIN-120: Discrete Mathematics (1)
- 1-AIN-121: Mathematics (1) - Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
- 1-AIN-130: Programming (1)
- 1-AIN-140: Computer Principles - Hardware
- 1-AIN-150: Mathematics (2)
- 1-AIN-151: Mathematics Complementary Classes (2)
- 1-AIN-160: Discrete Mathematics (2)
- 1-AIN-170: Programming (2)
- 1-AIN-172: Programming (4)
- 1-AIN-180: Computer Principles - Operating Systems
- 1-AIN-210: Algorithms and Data Structures
- 1-AIN-220: Programming (Algorithms in Java) (3)
- 1-AIN-230: Project (1)
- 1-AIN-240: Graphical Systems, Visualization, Multimedia
- 1-AIN-250: Fundamentals of Enterprise and Management
- 1-AIN-260: Project (2)
- 1-AIN-360: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (1)
- 1-AIN-372: Programming (5)
- 1-AIN-410: Mathematics (3)
- 1-AIN-470: Specification and Verification of Programs
- 1-AIN-411: Introduction to Computational Logic
- 1-AIN-425: Declarative Programming of Web Applications
- 1-AIN-426: Applied Robotics Seminar
- 1-AIN-430: Programming Paradigms
- 1-AIN-480: Neural Networks
- 1-AIN-500: Linux for Users
- 1-AIN-505: Introduction to Declarative Programming
- 1-AIN-510: Linux - Principles and Means
- 1-AIN-511: Functional Programming
- 1-AIN-515: Calculations in Science and Technology
- 1-AIN-520: Statistical Calculations
- 1-AIN-521: Database Systems Implementation
- 1-AIN-525: Programming Techniques in C++
- 1-AIN-530: Multimedia
- 1-AIN-535: Modelling and Rendering Techniques
- 1-AIN-540: Advanced Programming Techniques
- 1-AIN-545: Geometric Objects Representation
- 1-AIN-550: Image Processing Fundamentals
- 1-AIN-551: Algorithms for AI Robotics
- 1-AIN-610: Creating Web Documents
- 1-AIN-611: Creative Writing
- 1-AIN-612: Development of Accessible E-documents and Programs for Visually Impaired
- 1-AIN-615: Introduction to Web Applications
- 1-AIN-616: Symbolic Programming and LISP
- 1-AIN-617: Answer Set Programming
- 1-AIN-625: Introduction to Mathematical Logic for Programmers
- 1-AIN-630: Formal Semantics and Theory of Correctness
- 1-AIN-636: Modern Approaches to Web Design
- 1-AIN-646: Description Logics Ontologies and Semantics Web
- 1-AIN-655: Heuristic Methods
- 1-AIN-670: Expert Systems
- 1-AIN-675: Philosophy of Internet
- 1-AIN-680: Extreme Programming
- 1-AIN-685: Intelligent Techniques in e-learning
- 1-AIN-910: BSc Project
- 1-AIN-920: BSc Seminar
Master program in Applied Informatics
- 2-AIN-102: Discrete Geometric Structures
- 2-AIN-106: Complexity Theory
- 2-AIN-109: Programming of Parallel and Distributed Systems
- 2-AIN-122: Real Time Graphics
- 2-AIN-123: Computer Vision (1)
- 2-AIN-124: Computer Vision (2)
- 2-AIN-126: Data Compression
- 2-AIN-141: Expert Systems (1)
- 2-AIN-143: Qualitative Modelling and Simulation
- 2-AIN-144: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- 2-AIN-146: Universal Algebra for Informatics
- 2-AIN-161: Applied Numerical Mathematics
- 2-AIN-172: UNIX for Users
- 2-AIN-173: GNU Linux
- 2-AIN-174: Advanced C++
- 2-AIN-181: Evolutionary Algorithms
- 2-AIN-184: Logic for Artificial Intelligence
- 2-AIN-185: Formal Methods of Software Development
- 2-AIN-201: Physical-based Animations and Mathematical Modeling
- 2-AIN-203: Social and Legal Aspects of Information Systems
- 2-AIN-221: Graphics Systems and Standards
- 2-AIN-222: Computer Graphics Applications
- 2-AIN-233: Computer Vision Applications
- 2-AIN-241: Expert Systems (2)
- 2-AIN-244: Seminar in Expert Systems
- 2-AIN-245: Judgement Involving Uncertainty
- 2-AIN-246: Multiagent Systems
- 2-AIN-262: Information Visualization
- 2-AIN-263: Photorealism
- 2-AIN-264: OpenCV
- 2-AIN-265: Multidimensional Data Visualisation
- 2-AIN-270: Colour Image Processing
- 2-AIN-271: Image Processing for Medicine
- 2-AIN-274: Multimedia and Sound Processing
- 2-AIN-281: Computational and Cognitive Linguistics
- 2-AIN-282: Quantum Algorithms and Automata
- 2-AIN-283: Development of Critical Applications
- 2-AIN-284: Artificial Intelligence Seminar (1)
- 2-AIN-501: Methods in Bioinformatics
- 2-AIN-503: Seminar in Bioinformatics (1)
- 2-AIN-502: Fundamentals of Programming for Biology Students
- 2-AIN-504: Seminar in Bioinformatics (2)
- 2-AIN-636: Modern Approaches to Web Design
- 2-AIN-910: Diploma Thesis (1)
- 2-AIN-911: Diploma Thesis (2)
- 2-AIN-921: Project Seminar (1)
- 2-AIN-922: Project Seminar (2)
Master program in Cognitive Science
- 2-IKV-101: Programming (1)
- 2-IKV-102: Mathematics
- 2-IKV-103: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence for Cognitive Science
- 2-IKV-111: Introduction to Psychology
- 2-IKV-112: Modern Social Theories
- 2-IKV-113: Cognitive Psychology
- 2-IKV-114: Introduction to Philosophy of Mind
- 2-IKV-115: Introduction to Computational Intelligence
- 2-IKV-121: Introduction to Cognitive Science
- 2-IKV-122: Semester Project
- 2-IKV-123: Introduction to Neuroscience
- 2-IKV-131: Representation, Knowledge and Reasoning
- 2-IKV-133: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (2)
- 2-IKV-136: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
- 2-IKV-141: Currrent Trends in Cognitive Psychology
- 2-IKV-142: Philosophy of Action
- 2-IKV-143: Philosophy of Language
- 2-IKV-164: Multiagent Systems
- 2-IKV-167: Practical Classes in Robotics
- 2-IKV-181: Meaning and Communication
- 2-IKV-182: Current Theories of Consciousness
- 2-IKV-183: Psycholinguistics
- 2-IKV-184: Cognitive Antropology
- 2-IKV-232: Cognitive Semantics and Cognitive Theory of Representation
- 2-IKV-233: Cognitive Laboratory
- 2-IKV-234: Knowledgeable Problem Solving Systems
- 2-IKV-235: Grounded Cognition
- 2-IKV-261: Logic and Cognitive Science
- 2-IKV-262: Computational Psycholinguistics
- 2-IKV-265: Speech Recognition
- 2-IKV-267: Mathematical Logic for Cognitive Science
- 2-IKV-921: Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 2-IKV-910: Diploma Thesis
Courses for study programs of other departments
- 1-MXX-407: Brain and mind
- 1-MXX-406: Language and Cognition
(Redirected from Kategória:Courses)