Ján Kľuka Name: Mgr. Ján Kľuka, PhD. teacher Section: Section of Declarative Programming Phone: +421 2 602 95 727 Email: klukafmph.uniba.sk Office: I-16 Address: Mgr. Ján Kľuka, PhD.Department of Applied InformaticsFMFI UKMlynská dolina824 48 BratislavaSlovakia Web: homepage Teaching Introduction to Declarative Programming Declarative Programming of Web Applications Research declarative programming techniques & implementation logic theorem proving description logics Publications see homepage Responsible for pages: Box Declarative_Programming_of_Web_Applications DP_Group Jan_Kluka Link Master_program_in_Applied_Informatics_2010--2015 NewsItem (Redirected from Jan Kluka) Category: Section of Declarative Programming