Cg1 2013.jpg

Computer Graphics 1

What you Need to Pass

  • Attend lessons. One missed +0 points. 2 missed 0 points, 3 missed 0 points, 4 and more is Fx.
  • Project and exercise (mandatory, 70 points).
  • Solve all homework problems (mandatory each one >=30%, 10 points)
  • Mid term (mandatory, 20 points)
  • Pass final term (mandatory, 15 points) You will need to solve several problems discussed during lessons.
  • Pass oral/written exam: (mandatory, +15 points)
  • Summary
    • Attendance = 0 or -100 (Fx)
    • Exercise = +50..0
    • Activity = +10..0 (optional)
    • Project = +20..0 (optional)
    • Homework = +10..3 or +3..0 (Fx)
    • Mid term = +20..0
    • Final term = +15..0
    • Oral/written exam = +15..0
  • Grades
    • A = 92-100
    • B = 84-91
    • C = 76-83
    • D = 68-75
    • E = 60-67
    • Fx = 0-59

  • Schedule
    • Mon (18:10) - Room A (lecture)
    • Mon (10:40) - Room H3 (seminar)
    • Tue (09:50) - Room H6 (seminar)

Materials to read

Verzia z 10:57, 29. apríl 2015, ktorú vytvoril Durikovic (Diskusia | príspevky)