Andrej Mihalik: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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  | fullname = Mgr. Andrej Mihálik, PhD.
  | caption  = Andrej Mihálik
  | image    = Mihalik.jpg
  | section  = Oddelenie počítačovej grafiky
  | position = odborný asistent
  | phone    = (+421 2 602 95) 443
  | room    = i6
  | email    = mihalik[[Image:zavinac.gif|@]]
  | web      = [ homepage]
  | info    =
=== Výučba zimný semester ===
* [[Physical-based_Animations_and_Mathematical_Modeling_Material|Physical-based Animations and Mathematical Modeling]]
*[[YACGS|YACGS - Yet Another Computer Graphics Seminar]]
*[[Project Seminar 2|Project Seminar 2]]
=== Výučba letný semester ===
*[[CG2_2014/en|Advanced Computer Graphics]]
*[[YACGS|YACGS - Yet Another Computer Graphics Seminar]]
*[[G| PRAX Practical excercise at company]]
=== Výskum ===
* Realistic Image Synthesis and Global Illumination
* Physically based animation
* High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Implicit Surface Modelling
=== Publikácie ===
* [ GoogleScholar]
* [ ResearchGate]
* [ Web of Science]
=== ===
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Verzia zo dňa a času 13:55, 18. február 2016

Andrej Mihálik

Andrej Mihálik
Meno: Mgr. Andrej Mihálik, PhD.
odborný asistent
Oddelenie: Oddelenie počítačovej grafiky
Telefón: (+421 2 602 95) 443
Miestnosť: i6
Adresa: Mgr. Andrej Mihálik, PhD.
Katedra aplikovanej informatiky
Mlynská dolina
824 48 Bratislava
Web: homepage

Výučba zimný semester

Výučba letný semester


  • Realistic Image Synthesis and Global Illumination
  • Physically based animation
  • High Dynamic Range Imaging
  • Implicit Surface Modelling


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