Pavol Vančo
RNDr. Pavol Vančo, PhD.
PhD student
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RNDr. Pavol Vančo, PhD. Department of Applied Informatics FMFI UK Mlynská dolina 824 48 Bratislava Slovakia
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Dissertation Thesis
Processing of Tree-Structured Data with Recursive Self-Organizing Maps
- Neural Networks
- Self-Organizing Maps (SOM)
- Structured data processing
- Models MSOM, RecSOM, SOMSD
- Pavol Vančo: Visualization of simple XML data using recursive self-organizing neural maps, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Informatics, Košice : elfa, 2009 S. 341-346
- Pavol Vančo: Dynamika dávkového učenia na modeloch samoorganizujúcich sa máp, Kognice a umělý život IX, Opava : Slezská univerzita, 2009 S. 357-362
- Pavol Vančo, Igor Farkaš: Recursive self-organizing networks for processing tree structures, IJCCI 2009 : Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Setúbal : INSTICC, 2009 S. 459-466
- P. Vančo, Matematika. Algebraické štruktúry, Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava 2008.
- Igor Farkaš, Pavol Vančo: Spracovanie postupností symbolov pomocou rekurzívnych neurónových máp, Kognice a umělý život VII, Opava : Slezská univerzita, 2007 S. 99-106
- Pavol Vančo, Marek Nagy: Creating of Slovak electronic phonetic dictionary for use in speech recognition, Computer Treatment of Slavic and East European Languages, Bratislava : Veda, 2005 S. 216-219