Communication Training M‑UVIN‑700

Communication Training M‑UVIN‑700

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Course name and code: Communication Training (M‑UVIN‑700)
Prerequisite courses: none
Available in/recommended study year: Winter semester / 1
Form and # of hours/week: S - seminar (3)
Credits: 2
Evaluation (semester/exam): 100/0
Course webpage:
Information sheet: M‑UVIN‑700 information sheet
Teacher(s): RNDr. Martin Takáč, PhD.

Short description:

The goal of this experiential seminar is to enhance students' skills in the area of inter-personal communication, group work, self-knowledge and personal resource management. The course draws on the methods of Neurolingustic Progamming (NLP) and process-oriented psychology (POP, processwork).

Offered in these study programs: Elective in the branch of SECONDARY AND POST-SECONDARY TEACHING study programmes.

Recommendations: none