Section: |
Phone: |
Email: |
Office: |
Address: |
{{{fullname}}} Department of Applied Informatics FMFI UK Mlynská dolina 824 48 Bratislava Slovakia
Web: |
This is a template for a person on the People page. Use it as follows
| fullname = your full name with academic titles
| caption = your name without titles
| image = the file name of your photo, preferably surname.jpg
| section = your section name
| position = your occupation or position within the department
| email = yourmailname[[Image:zavinac.gif|@]]fmph.uniba.sk,
use [[Image:zavinac.gif|@]] instead of ‘@’
| phone = your work phone, typically +421 2 602 95 nnn
| room = your office room
| web = [address page_name] the full address of your homepage
(including http://)
An example to copy & paste:
| fullname = doc. PhDr. Ján Rybár, PhD.
| caption = Ján Rybár
| image = rybar.jpg
| section = Centrum kognitívnych vied
| position = učiteľ
| email = rybar[[Image:zavinac.gif|@]]fmph.uniba.sk
| phone = +421 2 602 95 835<br>+421 2 654 22 263
| room = i25
| web = [http://dai.fmph.uniba.sk/ katedra]