The members of the department participate or participated in the following research and educational projects.
From–to |
Title of educational project |
Agency and number |
Principal investigator
2015-2018 |
Comparative and functional analysis of non-conventional yeast genomes (collaboration with Dept. of Biochemistry of the Faculty of Natural Sciences) |
APVV-14-0253 |
Vinař T.
2015 |
AREST - Augmented reality and reconstruction in restoration process |
Nadácia Tatra Banky (TB) |
Berger Haladová Z.
2014-2017 |
Algorithms and models for analysis of complex biological sequences |
VEGA 1/0719/14 |
Vinař T.
2013–2017 |
Brain-computer interface with adaptive robot-assisted training for rehabilitation (cooperation with Inst. of Measurement Sci., Slovak Acad. of Sci., and Faculty of Medicine) |
APVV-0668-12 |
Farkaš I.
2014–2016 |
From sensory-motor processes to higher cognition: Computational modeling of mental development in an embodied cognitive agent |
VEGA 1/0898/14 |
Farkaš I.
2014–2016 |
Fuzzy expert systems |
VEGA 1/0592/14 |
Guller D.
2013–2015 |
Grounded cognition paradigm, interaction between perception and action in the brain-computer interface (collaboration with Inst. of Measurement Sci., Slovak Acad. of Sci.) |
VEGA 1/0503/13 |
Rybár J.
2013–2015 |
Changes in sleep architecture in patients with focal brain ischemy and their infuence on cognitive functions (collaboration with Inst. of Measurement Sci., Slovak Acad. of Sci., and Faculty of Medicine) |
MZ SR SR-2012/56-SAV-6 |
Farkaš I.
2013–2015 |
Metaphilosophy as a pragmatic analysis of philosophical utterances |
VEGA 1/0644/13 |
Kamhal D.
2013–2014 |
Multikontextová inferencia v heterogénnych prostrediach |
APVV SK-GR-0070-11 |
Homola M.
2012–2015 |
Knowledge representation for ambient intelligence |
VEGA 1/1333/12 |
Gruska D.
2012–2013 |
LAAOS: Logical aspects of adaptable ontological schemas |
APVV SK-CZ-0208-11 |
Homola M.
2012 |
Virtualizer: 3D scanner for complete reconstruction |
Nadácia TB |
Kovačovský T.
2012 |
Laboratórium mobilných aplikácií |
Nadácia TB |
Borovanský P.
2012 |
Virtual reality and urban planning |
Nadácia TB |
Borovský P.
2011–2013 |
Motion capture, interaction and cooperation between humans and avatars in 3D augmented reality and virtual reality |
VEGA 1/1106/11 |
Stanek S.
2011–2013 |
Integrácia štúdia spracovania vizuálnej informácie a vytvorenie komplexných multimediálnych učebných materiálov |
KEGA 068UK-4/2011 |
Černeková Z.
2011–2013 |
Methods of vizualization and modeling of biological structures |
VEGA 1/0631/11 |
Šrámek M.
2011–2013 |
Models of complex networks and their application in practice |
VEGA 1/0476/11 |
Markošová M.
2011–2013 |
Constructivist modeling of early cognitive development using simulated embodied agent |
VEGA 1/0439/11 |
Farkaš I.
2011–2013 |
Optimalizácia efektívnosti kódovania videa pre prenos a záznam |
VEGA 1/0602/11 |
Černeková Z.
2011–2012 |
Reasoning with dynamic and inconsistent knowledge |
APVV SK-PT-0028-10 |
Šefránek J.
2011 |
Anomaly detection using a biologically inspired intelligent network |
Nadácia TB 2010et019 |
Farkaš I.
2011 |
Study and implementation of automated usability measurements |
Nadácia TB 2010et010 |
Fabo P.
2010–2011 |
New methods of classification and prediction in analysis of biosignals and in biologically inspired computational vision |
VEGA 2/0019/10 |
Markošová M.
2010–2011 |
Philosophy of fundamental paradigms in cognitive science |
VEGA 1/0741/09 |
Rybár J.
2010–2011 |
Representation of incomplete, developing and distributed knowledge (in interactions with communication platform) |
VEGA 1/0688/10 |
Šefránek J.
2010–2011 |
Algorithms and software for analysis of DNA, RNA, and proteins |
VEGA 1/0210/10 |
Vinař T.
2010 |
Multi-touch display and its applications |
Nadácia TB |
Fabo P.
2009–2011 |
Spracovanie geometrie pre urbánnu virtuálnu realitu |
VEGA 1/0763/09 |
Černeková Z.
2009–2011 |
Optické merania komplexných povrchových náterov s podpovrchovým rozptylom na pigmentoch |
VEGA 1/0662/09 |
Ďurikovič R.
2008–2013 |
ALGGENOMES: Algorithms for Analysis of Genes and Genoms |
EU FP7-PIRG03-GA-2008-224885 |
Vinař T.
2008–2010 |
International Workshop: Automata Theoretic Methods in Algorithmic Algebra |
ESF Z-08-107/0003-00 |
Jajcayova T.
2008–2010 |
Application of multi-agent modularity for design control systems and computer models |
VEGA 1/0280/08 |
Lúčny A.
2008–2010 |
Modeling of language as a complex system with self-organization |
VEGA 1/0361/08 |
Farkaš I.
2008–2010 |
Saul Kripke and revival of metaphysics. Contemporary discussions about essentialism and so-called metaphysics of modality |
VEGA 1/0814/08 |
Kamhal D.
2008–2011 |
Multimediálna čítanka |
APVV LPP-0056-07 |
Nagy M.
2007–2009 |
A knowledge system for cognitive robots |
VEGA 1/4060/07 |
Guller D.
2007–2009 |
Modern methods of classification and prediction of sleep stages and loss of attention based on analysis of EEG signals ((cooperation with Inst. of Measurement Sci., Slovak Acad. of Sci.) |
VEGA 2/7087/27 |
Markošová M.
2006–2008 |
Nonstandard models of computing - specification, complexity and security |
VEGA 1/3105/06 |
Gruska D.
2006–2008 |
Dynamical aspects of knowledge representation: from theoretical basics to applications |
VEGA 1/3112/06 |
Šefránek J.
2006–2008 |
Cognitive sciences and traditional philosophical theories |
VEGA 1/3612/06 |
Rybár J.
2005–2009 |
Tools for processing and visualisation of tomographic and confocal data |
APVV-20-056105 |
Šrámek M.
2005–2007 |
Modeling complex systems using neural networks with focus on linguistics |
VEGA 1/2045/05 |
Farkaš I.
2005–2007 |
Environment for specification of multiagent systems |
APVV-20-P04805 |
Šefránek J.
2005–2007 |
Efektívny prehliadač urbanistických dát a ich prezentácia (v spolupráci s EUROSENSE Slovakia, s.r.o., Mestské múzeum Bratislava, Centaur, s.r.o.) |
APVT 20-P05105 |
Ftáčnik M.?
2004–2006 |
Knowledge representation and reasoning with robotic applications |
VEGA 1/1055/04 |
Guller D.
2003-2004 |
PhD summer school: Logics for formal specification languages. (in coop. with KI FMFI, Technical Univ. of Denmark, Essex Univ., German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence) |
CoLogNET, FET, IST 2001-33123 |
Guller D.
2003–2005 |
Logical theory of dynamic and modular knowledge bases |
VEGA 1/0173/03 |
Šefránek J.
2003–2005 |
Network computing |
VEGA 1/0172/03 |
Gruska D.