Kristián Valentín

Kristián Valentín
Name: Mgr. Kristián Valentín
doctoral student
Office: i19
Address: Mgr. Kristián Valentín
Department of Applied Informatics
Mlynská dolina
824 48 Bratislava


Academic year 2012/2013

Academic year 2011/2012

Academic year 2010/2011


  • Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) model
  • (invariant) object recognition


  • Valentín, Malý: Network firewall using artificial neural networks, Computing and Informatics, Vol. 32 (6), pp. 1312–1327, 2013.
  • Škoviera, Valentín, Štolc, Bajla: Recognition of Untrustworthy Face Images in ATM Sessions using a Bio-inspired Intelligent Network. In: Maria De Marsico, Ana Fred (eds), Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, ICPRAM, Barcelona, Spain, February 15-18, 2013, pp. 511-517. SciTePress, Portugal. DOI: 10.5220/0004195605110517
  • Valentín, Bajla, Štolc: A performance comparison of HTM and DBN models applied to visual object classification. In: J. Maňka, M. Tyšler, V. Witkovský, I. Frollo, (eds), MEASUREMENT 2013, Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Measurement, Smolenice, Slovakia, May 27-30, 2013, pp. 23-27.
  • Štolc, Bajla, Valentín and Škoviera. Pair-wise temporal pooling method for rapid training of the HTM networks used in computer vision applications, Computing and Informatics, vol. 32, pp. 1001–1019, 2012.
  • Štolc, Bajla, Valentín and Škoviera. Temporal Pooling Method for Rapid HTM Learning Applied to Geometric Object Recognition, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Measurement, pp. 59-64, 2011.
  • Valentín, K. Hierarchical Temporal Memory – What is New?. Poster at The 7th International Summer School on Pattern Recognition, Plymouth(UK), 2011.
Verzia z 14:26, 16. marec 2014, ktorú vytvoril Valentin (Diskusia | príspevky)