Applied Robotics Seminar 1-AIN-426

Applied Robotics Seminar 1-AIN-426

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Course name and code: Applied Robotics Seminar (1-AIN-426)
Prerequisite courses: none
Available in/recommended study year: both semester / 1-5
Form and # of hours/week: C - course (1)
Credits: 1
Evaluation (semester/exam): 100/0
Course webpage:
Information sheet: 1-AIN-426 information sheet
Teacher(s): Mgr. Pavel Petrovič, PhD.

Short description:

Single-credit course for all students at the University, not requiring any prerequisites. Introduces the field of Robotics. Runs in both semesters. Participants are expected to show active interest, their help with robotics contests is very welcome:

Offered in these study programs: Optional in Bachelor program in Applied Informatics

Recommendations: none

Verzia z 14:40, 15. september 2013, ktorú vytvoril Petrovic (Diskusia | príspevky) (Created page with "{{Course | name = Applied Robotics Seminar | code = 1-AIN-426 | prerequisites = none | semester = both | year = 1-5 | credits = 1 | form = C - course (1) | evalua…")

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