Príspevky používateľa
(najnovšie | najstaršie) Zobraziť (50 novších | 50 starších) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
- 14:17, 10. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+102) . . Introduction/sk
- 14:16, 10. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+95) . . d Introduction/en
- 14:12, 10. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (0) . . d Bachelor program in Applied Informatics/en
- 14:09, 10. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+13) . . d Bachelor program in Applied Informatics/en
- 14:08, 10. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+2 413) . . Bachelor program in Applied Informatics/en (English version of the new page for the program)
- 13:33, 10. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+780) . . N Bachelor program in Applied Informatics 2010--2015/en (Copy of the old program page) (aktuálne)
- 13:11, 8. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+731) . . Introduction/en (→About Us: Created the section with former introductory paragraph as its content)
- 13:06, 8. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+6) . . Research/en (Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science -> Artificial Intelligence and Computational Modelling)
- 13:05, 8. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (-23) . . Introduction/en (→Research: cognitive science & bioinformatics -> computational modelling)
- 13:02, 8. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (-16) . . Introduction/sk (→Výskum: kognitívna veda & bioinformatika nahradené za výpočtové modelovanie)
- 12:55, 8. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+72) . . Vyskum/sk (→Umelá inteligencia a kognitívna veda: Výpočtové modelovanie ako termín zastrešujúci komplexné siete, CNC, compbio)
- 14:00, 4. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (-1) . . d Research/en (→Computer Graphics and Vision: feature recognition --> feature extraction)
- 13:17, 4. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (0) . . d Research/en (→Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science: editor's fixes in KR interests)
- 13:16, 4. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+45) . . Research/en (→Computer Graphics and Vision: Computer vision group interests)
- 12:39, 4. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (-1) . . d Vyskum/sk (→Umelá inteligencia a kognitívna veda: Editorske upravy textu ku KR Group)
- 12:39, 4. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+70) . . Vyskum/sk (→Počítačová grafika a videnie: Aktualizovane pocitacove videnie podla textu od M. Ftacnika)
- 21:43, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (-29) . . Course:Mathematics 1/sk
- 21:39, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+57) . . Course:Mathematics 1/sk
- 21:38, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+3) . . Course:Mathematics 1/sk
- 21:36, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+55) . . N Course:Mathematics 1/sk (Created page with "= Matematika (1) – Úvod do matematického myslenia =")
- 21:26, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (0) . . d KR Group (Logo)
- 21:20, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+30) . . d KR Group (Nadpis a umiestnenie obsahu)
- 21:07, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+119) . . Introduction/sk (Projekty, konferencie a semináre v boxe Výskum)
- 21:05, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+117) . . Introduction/en (Pulled out projects, events, seminars to the Research box)
- 21:02, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+356) . . Research/en (Restructuring around fields of study and working groups (part 2))
- 20:50, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (-2) . . Conferences and Events/sk (Posun o kategóriu vyššie) (aktuálne)
- 20:49, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+192) . . Conferences and Events/sk (Podnadpisy, úprava iných podujatí)
- 20:39, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+431) . . Conferences and Events/sk (Nadpis, úprava štruktúry využitím definičného zoznamu)
- 20:24, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+21) . . d Research Projects/sk (Kategorizacia)
- 20:23, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+546) . . Research/en (Restructuring around fields of study and working groups (part 1))
- 20:00, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (-5) . . d Vyskum/sk (Oprava prazdnych riadkov)
- 19:59, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (-141) . . Vyskum/sk (Odstraneny pokus s dvoma stlpcami)
- 15:36, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (-80) . . d Bachelor program in Applied Informatics/sk (Zostručnenie)
- 15:29, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+139) . . Bachelor program in Applied Informatics/sk (→Štátne skúšky – Termíny: Termíny pre 2015/16)
- 15:25, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+94) . . Bachelor program in Applied Informatics/sk (Uvod a oznamy: dvojstlpcovy layout)
- 15:15, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+30) . . d Vyucba/sk (MEi:CogSci – link a HTML skratka)
- 15:10, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+7) . . d Academic support center/sk (→Kedy a kde?: Lepšia obrátená pyramída)
- 15:08, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+53) . . d Academic support center/sk
- 15:06, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (-16) . . d Academic support center/sk (Tabulka: pridana caption, zrusene zbytocne styly)
- 14:58, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+54) . . Academic support center/sk (Kategorizácia a úprava úvodnej sekcie)
- 14:47, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+90) . . People/en (Extension footnote properly linked; A. Mihalik's info updated)
- 14:45, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+9) . . People/sk (Miestnost a klapka A. Mihalika)
- 14:44, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+135) . . d People/sk (Vysvetlivka klapky ako fragmentovy link)
- 14:29, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+1) . . d Introduction/en (… namiesto >)
- 14:27, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (-29) . . Introduction/en (Education and Research links improvements)
- 14:19, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+9) . . Introduction/sk (Vyhodnená nezmyselná linka na bakalárske štátnice, pridané akadem. podpor. centrum)
- 14:16, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+880) . . Internal:Information/sk (Oficiálne hlavičkové papiere)
- 13:49, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+336) . . N Academic support center/en (Basic page in English) (aktuálne)
- 13:46, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (+375) . . N Academic support center (Language-less placeholder page) (aktuálne)
- 12:20, 3. september 2015 (rozdiel | história) . . (-485) . . People/en (Odstránené blockquotes, zbytočne malé písmo, nepotrebný footnote)
(najnovšie | najstaršie) Zobraziť (50 novších | 50 starších) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).