FMFI UK AI Alumni & Friends

FMFI UK AI Alumni & Friends

AI Alumni & Friends is an informal social network of alumni, students, staff and other friends of artificial intelligence at Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Artificial Intelligence education at Comenius University relies on a tradition reaching to 80's of the last century. AI education was traditionally, since 1988, provided by Institute of Informatics associated with FMFI UK, which was later incorporated into newly created Department of Applied Informatics. Even though, except for short period at the beginning of 90's, artificial intelligence did not have its own department, this specialisation was always attracting enthusiastic students. Many of them later successfully continued their scientific research careers on universities, research institutes and industry all around the world.

Ambitions and aims

The main aim of the AI Alumni & Friends network is to facilitate contact and interaction of AI alumni as well as associated AI enthusiasts with their Alma Mater and with its current students and faculty and staff.

Social contacts are, and always were, the best tool for job search and professional career advancement. Contacts with alumni, still active in the field on various research institutions at home as well as abroad, can therefore help the current students find their own way towards their future professional career.

Last, but not least, the AI Alumni & Friends network has an ambition to represent the quality of Artificial Intelligence education at FMFI UK.


Members directory

The core of the AI Alumni & Friends network is the AI Alumni & Friends Directory and a mailing list alumni [at] In the close future we also plan also to create a related LinkedIn group FMFI UK AI Alumni & Friends.

Mailing list

Moderated mailing list alumni [at] serves for distribution of of postings relevant for the network members, such as invitations, informations about relevant activities of DAI, etc.

For subscribing, send an e-mail to alumni-request [at] Do not forget to include "subscribe" as a subject. Alternatively, register directly at the mailing list website.


In order to support exchange of informations about vacant job positions (PhD/postdoc/other academic positions) in research and industry, we run a moderated mailing list dai-calls [at] In the case you would like to redistribute a posting about a vacant position, simply send an e-mail to the address of the list.

If you want to subscribe to the dai-calls list, please register by sending an e-mail with a subject "subscribe" to dai-calls-request [at] Relevant postings will be also mirrored in PhD studentships and study opportunities section of DAI pages.

Becoming a member

The AI Alumni & Friends is an informal group. Membership is voluntary and non-binding. In the case you would like to register your contact data in the members' Directory, send an e-mail including your name, year of graduating from FMFI UK, address of your current affiliation and optionally a link to your personal homepage (Alumna/Alumnus) to the coordinator. In the case of an FMFI UK AI Friend, please state explicitly that you are not an alumn-a/-us.


Please send any suggestions, critique and questions to the network coordinator Petrovi Novákovi reachable at peter.novak [at]

Verzia z 11:55, 8. december 2008, ktorú vytvoril Novak (Diskusia | príspevky) (Draft of the FMFI UK Alumni & Friends page)

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