Description of Bachelor program in Applied Informatics

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Activities of our department focus around Computer Graphics and Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Declarative Programming. The Bachelor courses are organized to prepare the students for future studies of these areas on one hand and to give them a complete background in all Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering that a Bachelor of Applied Informatics should possess.

See also: Recommendations for students of Bachelor program in Applied Informatics.

The guarantor of this program is Doc. RNDr. Mária Markošová, PhD.

On these pages, you find a complete specification of the study program: list of courses, short descriptions of courses, course pages, and links to information sheets.

To pass the program, a student must:

  1. acquire 180 credits
  2. pass all obligatory subjects, and acquire required number of credits in obligatory-optional subjects
  3. pass the state examination and successfully defend a bachelor thesis (registration for the state examination is possible only after the points 1 and 2 are satisfied)

Each row in the following table contains the following columns:

  • ECTS subject code, name of the course (link to the course page with short description), name of the teacher or department (link to his or her page)
  • list of prerequisite courses (recommended or required: marked by !)
  • recommended year of study (in which semester does the subject have a slot allocated in the course schedule)
  • type of the course (K - course, P - lecture, C - exercise, S - seminar, L - lab exercise, X - practice, O - short study concentration stay, D - diploma thesis, I - another form) and number of hours per week
  • number of credits
  • form of student evaluation (during semester/exam) - in percent
  • S at the end of row means that the subject is suspended in this year

Please note that in addition to the following subjects, each student must pass the subject "English Language (4)" no later than in 6th semester, and you need to pass at least two semesters of "Physical Education and Sport", while you can follow it for the rest of your study. You can also select any from the wide range of whole faculty subjects listed at Faculty pages.


Verzia z 16:44, 24. august 2008, ktorú vytvoril Petrovic (Diskusia | príspevky)