Practical Classes in Robotics 2-IKV-167

Practical Classes in Robotics 2-IKV-167

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Course name and code: Practical Classes in Robotics (2-IKV-167)
Prerequisite courses: none
Available in/recommended study year: Summer semester / 1
Form and # of hours/week: S - seminar (2)
Credits: 3
Evaluation (semester/exam): 100/0
Course webpage:
Information sheet: 2-IKV-167 information sheet
Teacher(s): Mgr. Pavel Petrovič, PhD.

Short description:

Seminar for students and teachers, who are involved or interested in robotic projects (also in cooperation with URPI FEI STU). Seminar serves for common study of literature and current results and research in the field but also for presentation, exchange and acquisition of own practical experience in the form of projects, provide opportunity to work in the lab on your own project.

Offered in these study programs: Elective in Master program in Cognitive Science

Recommendations: none

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