Master program in Cognitive Science

Read the Description of Master Program in Cognitive Science.

The guarantor of this program is Doc. PhDr. Ján Rybár, CSc.

Blocks of Compensatory Subjects
obligatory choice: 1 block (from 2 blocks)

  • Compensatory Subjects - Artificial Intelligence
2-IKV-101 Programming (1) Švantner J. 1/W L2,LP2 5 50/50
2-IKV-102 Mathematics Kvasnička V. 1/W L2,P2 5 50/50
2-IKV-103 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence for Cognitive Science Markošová M. 1/W L2,S2 5 50/50
  • Compensatory Subjects - Psychology
2-IKV-111 Introduction to Psychology Hennelová K. 1/W L2,S1 5 50/50
2-IKV-112 Modern Social Theories Višňovský E. 1/W L2,LP2 5 50/50

Obligatory subjects

2-IKV-121 Introduction to Cognitive Science Takáč M. 1/W L2,S1 5 70/30
2-IKV-113 Cognitive Psychology Rybár J. 1/W L2,S2 5 50/50
2-IKV-114 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind Kamhal D. 1/W L2,S2 5 50/50
2-IKV-115 Introduction to Computer Intelligence Farkaš I. 1/W L2,S1 5 70/30
2-IKV-123 Introduction to Neuroscience Ostatníková D. 1/S L3 5 30/70
2-IKV-122 Semester Project KAI 1/S LP4 5 100/0
2-IKV-921 Diploma Thesis Seminar KAI 2/S C4 5 70/30
2-IKV-910 Diploma Thesis KAI 2/S D 20 70/30

Obligatory-Optional Subjects

  • Artificial Intelligence, obligatory choice: 10 credits
2-IKV-267 Mathematical Logic for Cognitive Science Zlatoš P. * 1/S L2,P1 5 50/50
2-IKV-131 Representation, Knowledge and Reasoning Šefránek J. 2-IKV-103! 1/S L2,P2 5 50/50
2-IKV-133 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (2) Markošová M. 2-IKV-103! 1/S L2,S2 5 50/50
2-IKV-135 Neurocomputing Farkaš I. 1/S L2,P2 5 70/30
  • Psychology, obligatory choice: 5 credits
2-IKV-141 Current Trends in Cognitive Psychology Ruisel I. 2-IKV-111! 1/S L2,S1 5 50/50
2-IKV-183 Psycholinguistics Hanulová J. 1/S L2,S1 5 50/50
2-IKV-143 Philosophy of Language Kamhal D. 1/S L2,S1 5 70/30


2-AIN-123 Computer Vision (1) Ftáčnik M. 1/W L2,P2 5 40/60
2-INF-150 Machine Learning Hegedüs T. 1/W L3,P1 6 10/90
2-IKV-184 Cognitive Antropology Kanovský M. * 1/W L2,S1 5 60/40
2-AIN-181 Evolutionary Algorithms Markošová M. 1/W C2 3 40/60
2-IKV-167 Practical Classes in Robotics Petrovič Pa. 1/S S2 3 100/0
2-IKV-261 Logic and Cognitive Science Šefránek J. 2-IKV-103! 1/S L2,S1 5 50/50
1-AIN-480 Neural Networks Farkaš I. 2-IKV-101! and 2-IKV-102! 1/S L2,P2 6 50/50
2-IKV-164 Multiagent Systems Lúčny A. 2-IKV-103! 1/S L2,P2 5 50/50
2-AIN-503 Seminar in Bioinformatics (1) Brejová B. 1/W S2 1 100/0 s
2-AIN-109 Programming of Parallel and Distributed Systems Gruska D. 1/S L3,P1 4 40/60
2-IKV-181 Meaning and Communication Kamhal D. 1/S L2,S1 5 70/30
2-INF-238 Graphic Models in Machine Learning Vinař T. 1/S L4 6 40/60
2-IKV-142 Philosophy of Action Višňovský E. * 2/W L2,S1 5 50/50
2-IKV-262 Computational Psycholinguistics Farkaš I. * 2/W L2,S1 5 70/30
2-IKV-234 Knowledgeable Problem Solving Systems Popper M. * 2/W L2,P2 5 50/50
2-IKV-232 Cognitive Semantics and Cognitive Theory of Representation Takáč M. * 2/W L2,S2 5 50/50
2-IKV-265 Speech Recognition Nagy M. 2/W L2,P2 5 30/70
2-IKV-182 Current Theories of Consciousness Gál E. (KAI) * 2-IKV-114! 2/W L2,S1 5 50/50
2-IKV-233 Cognitive Laboratory Rybár J. * 2/W C3 5 50/50
2-IKV-235 New Trends in Cognitive Science Farkaš I. * 2/W S3 5 70/30
2-AIN-245 Judgement Involving Uncertainty Guller D. 2/W C4 6 40/60 s
2-AIN-143 Qualitative Modelling and Simulation Takáč M. 2/S L2,P2 6 40/60
Verzia z 16:32, 23. august 2008, ktorú vytvoril Petrovic (Diskusia | príspevky)