Speech Recognition 2-IKV-265

Speech Recognition 2-IKV-265

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Course name and code: Speech Recognition (2-IKV-265)
Prerequisite courses: none
Available in/recommended study year: Winter semester / 2
Form and # of hours/week: L - lecture (2), P - practicals (2)
Credits: 5
Evaluation (semester/exam): 30/70
Course webpage: not available
Information sheet: 2-IKV-265 information sheet
Teacher(s): RNDr. Marek Nagy
E-mail: mnagy@ii.fmph.uniba.sk
Homepage(s): http://ii.fmph.uniba.sk/~mnagy/

Short description:

Aim is to familiarize with statistical approaches employed in speech recognition and apply it on real problems. Also the aim is to obtain skills to develope voice controled applications.

Offered in these study programs: Elective in Master program in Cognitive Science

Recommendations: none

Verzia z 16:42, 20. august 2008, ktorú vytvoril Petrovic (Diskusia | príspevky) (New page: {{Course | name = Speech Recognition | code = 2-IKV-265 | prerequisites = none | semester = Winter | year = 2 | credits = 5 | form = L - lecture (2), P - practicals (2) | e...)

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