
zoznam zamestnancov katedry ...

Ján Rybár

Ján Rybár Meno: doc. PhDr. Ján Rybár, PhD.
vedúci katedry
Oddelenie: Centrum kognitívnych vied
Telefón: +421 2 654 22 263
Email: kai.sekr@fmph.uniba.sk
Miestnosť: i25
Adresa: doc. PhDr. Ján Rybár, PhD.
Katedra aplikovanej informatiky
Mlynská dolina
824 48 Bratislava
Web: homepage


This is a template for a person on the People page. Use it as follows

   | name = Your first name
   | surname = Your surname
   | titles = your academic titles
   | occupation = Your occupation or position within the department
   | email = yourmailname at fmph.uniba.sk, use the word ‘at’ instead of ‘@’
   | phone = your work phone, typically +421 2 602 95 nnn
   | courses = the list of [[links]] to the courses
               of which you are the principal teacher
   | interests = a list of your research interests
   | homepage = the full address of your homepage (including http://)
   | photo = the file name of your photo, preferably surname.jpg

An example to copy & paste:

   | name = Jozef
   | surname = Mrkvička
   | titles = RNDr. PhD.
   | occupation = teacher
   | email = mrkvicka at fmph.uniba.sk
   | phone = +421 2 602 95 123
   | courses = [[Introduction to Something]], [[The Theory of Everything]]
   | interests = something, the theory of everything
   | homepage = http://ii.fmph.uniba.sk/~mrkvicka/
   | photo = mrkvicka.jpg
Verzia z 10:45, 20. august 2008, ktorú vytvoril Blaho (Diskusia | príspevky) (New page: <small>zoznam zamestnancov katedry ...</small> =Ján Rybár= {|style="border-collapse:collapse;background-color:#ffffff;" |rowspan="9" width="160" valign="top"|[[Image:any.jpg|...)

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