Dušan Guller Name: RNDr. Dušan Guller, PhD. teacher Section: Section of Declarative Programming Phone: +421 2 602 95 625 Email: Dusan.Gullerfmph.uniba.sk Office: i42 Address: RNDr. Dušan Guller, PhD.Department of Applied InformaticsFMFI UKMlynská dolina824 48 BratislavaSlovakia Web: homepage Teaching none Research none Publications none Responsible for pages: CLA_Group Dusan_Guller Judgement_Involving_Uncertainty Verzia z 10:23, 26. august 2008, ktorú vytvoril Blaho (Diskusia | príspevky) (rozdiel) ← Staršia verzia | Aktuálna úprava (rozdiel) | Novšia verzia → (rozdiel) Kategória: Section of Declarative Programming