Practical Seminars on Computer Graphics 1 (Winter 2011)
- On every seminar we will implement selected problems/algorithms from lessons. We will usually start with a prearranged template downloadable from with site.
- As a programming language we will use C#. We will use Visual C# 2010 Express as development environment. Alternatively you can use MonoDevelop (Linux / Mac OSX) on your own machine.
- Your code should be well formatted and commented. Titles of functions, classes, variables should be representative for their purpose.
- Every week you have to finish and submit the assignment as homework.
- At the end of the semester you have to submit the project.
- Any kind of cheating is punished by withholding 15 points for all involved students. Situation where only part of code is shared is also considered cheating!
- Attendance at seminars is optional but recommended.
- Seminars are conducted by
- Matej Hudak (
- Juraj Onderik (
- Schedule of seminars is
- Tue (8:10) - Room H3
- Tue (18:10 - Room H3
- Wed (18:10) - Room F248
- As a homework, you will program what we could not finish during exercise. Assignment and template will be downloadable from this site. See exercises.
- Homework must be submitted by email to every week until next monday 23:59.
- You can get a maximum of 3 points per homework, totally 30 points. Late submission is for 0 points.
- It is required to submit source code of your homework. Executable files are optional. Homework without source code is for 0 points!
- Project must be submitted by email to until 15.1.2011.
- You can get a maximum of 15 points for your project.
- It is required to submit source code of your project. Executable files are optional. Projects without source code is for 0 points!
- Project assignment of project: TODO
- Submission:
- Homeworks: 30 points (10x3) /deadline monday 23:59/
- Project: 15 points /deadline 15.1.2011/
- Cheating: -15 points
- Minimum: +20 points
- Attendance: Optional
Exercise01 [20/21.9] "Introduction"
- csharp tutorials
- visual c# tutorials
- Visual Studio Tips
- F2: Rename object/class/property/field...
- F5: Build and debug solution
- Shift + F5: Stop debugging solution
- F9: Add/Remove break-point at current line
- F12: Navigate to definition/declaration of object/class...
- CTRL + Space: List members of object/class after "." or parameters of method after "("
Exercise02 [27/28.9] "Vectors and Matrices"
- Introduction to C#
- classes: Vector3, Matrix33
- Add(V3, V3), Sub(V3, V3), Cross(V3, V3), Dot(V3, V3)
- Add(M3, M3), Mul(M3, M3), Sub(M3, M3)
- Mul(M3, V3), Mul(V3, M3)
- Gui calculator:
- 3x1 vector (operator) 3x1 vector = 3x1 vector
- 3x3 matrix (operator) 3x3 matrix = 3x3 matrix
- Assignment
- Create a simple application for vectors(3x1) and matrices(3x3). Create classes Vector3 a Matrix33. Create GUI according to final sample. Implement operations for vectors: W = U + V, W = U - V, W.X = Dot(U,V), W = Cross(U,V), W.X = U.Length and for matrices: C = A + B, C = A - B, C = A * B, W = A * V, W = U * B. Implement them as operators '+', '-', '*',.. Create calculator application with all operations working similar as in final sample.
- Final sample Sú
- template for homework Sú
Exercise03 [04/05.10] "Transformations 1"
- classes: Vector4, Matrix44, Polyline
- A.Transpose(), A.Inverse(), A.Determinant()
- RotateX/Y/Z/XYZ
- Translate(K), Scale(K)
- Drawing
- Polyline
- Free
- Assignment
- Create a simple application with transformations and drawing. In transformations implement operations in Matrix44 labeled 'To Do'. In drawing implement free drawing using mouse left button_(down, move, up). Fill all sections labeled 'To Do'. Create 'Clear All' button. Create final application with all operations working similar as in final sample.
- Final sample Sú
- template for homework and seminar - Sú
- Inverse Matrix: [1]
Exercise04 [04/05.10] "Transformations 2" (Onderik)
- Demo Controls
- Left: Select pivot
- Left + CTRL: Create new polyline
- Left + SHIFT: Select more pivots
- Right: Move
- Right + CTRL: Rotate
- Right + SHIFT: Scale
- Assignment
- Final Sample Sú
- Template Sú