Introduction to Mathematical Logic for Programmers 1-AIN-625

Introduction to Mathematical Logic for Programmers 1-AIN-625

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Course name and code: Introduction to Mathematical Logic for Programmers (1-AIN-625)
Prerequisite courses: 1-AIN-505 (recommended)
Available in/recommended study year: Winter semester / 2
Form and # of hours/week: L - lecture (2), P - practicals (2)
Credits: 6
Evaluation (semester/exam): 40/60
Course webpage:
Information sheet: 1-AIN-625 information sheet
Teacher(s): Ing. Ján Komara, PhD.

Short description:

To give mathematical foundations of declarative programming languages. Programs are definitions of recursive functions. Computational model is based on the reduction of terms. Data structures are coded into the domain of natural numbers. The course has computer labs in the programming system CL.

Offered in these study programs: Obligatory-optional in Bachelor program in Applied Informatics

Recommendations: none

Verzia z 12:31, 20. február 2011, ktorú vytvoril Komara (Diskusia | príspevky)

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