Magisterský program Kognitívne vedy

Prečítajte si Popis magisterského programu Kognitívne vedy

Garantom tohto programu je Doc. PhDr. Ján Rybár, CSc.

Bloky vyrovnávacích predmetov
povinný výber: 1 blok (z 2 blokov)

  • Vyrovnávacie predmety - umelá inteligencia
2-IKV-101 Programming (1) Švantner J. 1/W L2,LP2 5 50/50
2-IKV-102 Mathematics Kvasnička V. 1/W L2,P2 5 50/50
2-IKV-103 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence for Cognitive Science Markošová M. 1/W L2,S2 5 50/50
  • Vyrovnávacie predmety - psychológia
2-IKV-111 Introduction to Psychology Hennelová K. 1/W L2,S1 5 50/50
2-IKV-112 Modern Social Theories Višňovský E. 1/W L2,LP2 5 50/50

Povinné predmety

2-IKV-121 Introduction to Cognitive Science Takáč M. 1/W L2,S1 5 70/30
2-IKV-113 Cognitive Psychology Rybár J. 1/W L2,S2 5 50/50
2-IKV-114 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind Kamhal D. 1/W L2,S2 5 50/50
2-IKV-115 Introduction to Computer Intelligence Farkaš I. 1/W L2,S1 5 70/30
2-IKV-123 Introduction to Neuroscience Ostatníková D. 1/S L3 5 30/70
2-IKV-122 Semester Project KAI 1/S LP4 5 100/0
2-IKV-921 Diploma Thesis Seminar KAI 2/S C4 5 70/30
2-IKV-910 Diploma Thesis KAI 2/S D 20 70/30

Povinne voliteľné predmety

  • Umelá inteligencia', povinný výber: 10 kreditov
2-IKV-267 Mathematical Logic for Cognitive Science Zlatoš P. * 1/S L2,P1 5 50/50
2-IKV-131 Representation, Knowledge and Reasoning Šefránek J. 2-IKV-103! 1/S L2,P2 5 50/50
2-IKV-133 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (2) Markošová M. 2-IKV-103! 1/S L2,S2 5 50/50
2-IKV-135 Neurocomputing Farkaš I. 1/S L2,P2 5 70/30
  • Psychológia, povinný výber: 5 kreditov
2-IKV-141 Current Trends in Cognitive Psychology Ruisel I. 2-IKV-111! 1/S L2,S1 5 50/50
2-IKV-183 Psycholinguistics Hanulová J. 1/S L2,S1 5 50/50
2-IKV-143 Philosophy of Language Kamhal D. 1/S L2,S1 5 70/30

Výberové predmety

2-AIN-123 Computer Vision (1) Ftáčnik M. 1/W L2,P2 5 40/60
2-INF-150 Machine Learning Hegedüs T. 1/W L3,P1 6 10/90
2-IKV-184 Cognitive Antropology Kanovský M. * 1/W L2,S1 5 60/40
2-AIN-181 Evolutionary Algorithms Markošová M. 1/W C2 3 40/60
2-IKV-167 Practical Classes in Robotics Petrovič Pa. 1/S S2 3 100/0
2-IKV-261 Logic and Cognitive Science Šefránek J. 2-IKV-103! 1/S L2,S1 5 50/50
1-AIN-480 Neural Networks Farkaš I. 2-IKV-101! and 2-IKV-102! 1/S L2,P2 6 50/50
2-IKV-164 Multiagent Systems Lúčny A. 2-IKV-103! 1/S L2,P2 5 50/50
2-AIN-503 Seminar in Bioinformatics (1) Brejová B. 1/W S2 1 100/0 s
2-AIN-109 Programming of Parallel and Distributed Systems Gruska D. 1/S L3,P1 4 40/60
2-IKV-181 Meaning and Communication Kamhal D. 1/S L2,S1 5 70/30
2-INF-238 Graphic Models in Machine Learning Vinař T. 1/S L4 6 40/60
2-IKV-142 Philosophy of Action Višňovský E. * 2/W L2,S1 5 50/50
2-IKV-262 Computational Psycholinguistics Farkaš I. * 2/W L2,S1 5 70/30
2-IKV-234 Knowledgeable Problem Solving Systems Popper M. * 2/W L2,P2 5 50/50
2-IKV-232 Cognitive Semantics and Cognitive Theory of Representation Takáč M. * 2/W L2,S2 5 50/50
2-IKV-265 Speech Recognition Nagy M. 2/W L2,P2 5 30/70
2-IKV-182 Current Theories of Consciousness Gál E. (KAI) * 2-IKV-114! 2/W L2,S1 5 50/50
2-IKV-233 Cognitive Laboratory Rybár J. * 2/W C3 5 50/50
2-IKV-235 New Trends in Cognitive Science Farkaš I. * 2/W S3 5 70/30
2-AIN-245 Judgement Involving Uncertainty Guller D. 2/W C4 6 40/60 s
2-AIN-143 Qualitative Modelling and Simulation Takáč M. 2/S L2,P2 6 40/60


Verzia z 16:41, 23. august 2008, ktorú vytvoril Petrovic (Diskusia | príspevky)