Marek Nagy Name: RNDr. Marek Nagy teacher Section: Section of Artificial Intelligence Phone: (+421 2 602 95) 625 Email: Office: i42 Address: RNDr. Marek NagyDepartment of Applied InformaticsFMFI UKMlynská dolina824 48 BratislavaSlovakia Web: homepage Responsible for pages: Bakalársky_seminár_skupina_III Creating_Web_Documents Introduction_to_Web_Applications Linux_Principles_and_Means Marek_Nagy Speech_Recognition Teaching Linux - Principles and Means Creating Web Documents Introduction to Web Applications Speech Recognition Research none Publications none Verzia z 10:45, 22. august 2008, ktorú vytvoril Blaho (Diskusia | príspevky) (→Teaching) (rozdiel) ← Staršia verzia | Aktuálna úprava (rozdiel) | Novšia verzia → (rozdiel) Kategória: Section of Artificial Intelligence