Real-time computer graphics
This lecture ...
- Will focus on visualization of 3D scenes
- Will show you what are current topics
- Will improve your skills in
- OpenGL
- Computational geometry
- Algorithms and data structures
What you Need to Pass
- Show your project (70%).
- Project specification template: RTGProjektSpecifikacia.doc
- For video recording you can use:
- Pass oral exam: (30%, min. 15 points).
- Grades
- A = 92-100
- B = 84-91
- C = 76-83
- D = 68-75
- E = 60-67
- Fx = 0-59
Lesson00 "Introduction to Computer Graphics"
- Introduction to Computer Graphics
- Common techniques
- Cutting edge tools and packages
- State of the Art
- Lecture schedule
- "Terms and conditions" of this lecture
- Lecture notes: Lecture0.pdf
- On every seminar we will focus on the selected problems from lessons. We will use programming tools to perform real-time computer graphics algorithms.
- Libraries: