Department Structure
Head of Department: doc. PhDr. Ján Rybár, PhD. I 25 1) 672 2) Vice-Head of Department: doc. RNDr. Roman Ďurikovič, PhD. I 14 879 doc. RNDr. Damas Gruska, PhD. I 20 846 Department Secretary: RNDr. Elena Šikudová, PhD. I 3 388 Secretary for IT: graduated physicist Ľubomír Lúčan, PhD. I 33a 374 Secretariate: Zdenka Slobodová I 24b 424 tel. and fax: +421 2 654 22 263
Section of Computer Graphics and Vision (SCGV)
Head of Section: doc. RNDr. Roman Ďurikovič, PhD. I 14 879 Teachers: RNDr. Peter Borovský I 4 441 RNDr. Silvester Czanner, PhD. I 4 441 doc. RNDr. Roman Ďurikovič, PhD. I 14 879 doc. RNDr. Milan Ftáčnik, CSc. I 5 442 Ľubomír Lúčan, PhD. I 33a 374 RNDr. Martin Samuelčík, PhD. I 4 441 Researchers: RNDr. Zuzana Černeková, PhD. I 3 388 Mgr. Matej Novotný, PhD. I 4 441 Mgr. Juraj Onderík, PhD. M 113 729 RNDr. Elena Šikudová, PhD. I 3 388 RNDr. Stanislav Stanek, PhD. I 3 388
Section of Artificial Intelligence (SAI)
Head of Section: doc. RNDr. Mária Markošová, PhD. I 34 869 Teachers: doc. RNDr. Ľubica Beňušková, PhD. I 35 621 doc. Ing. Igor Farkaš, PhD. I 35 621 Ing. František Gyárfáš, PhD. I 17 436 RNDr. Martin Homola, PhD. I 7 444 RNDr. Andrej Lúčny, PhD. I 18 436 doc. RNDr. Mária Markošová, PhD. I 34 374 RNDr. Marek Nagy, PhD. I 42 625 Mgr. Pavel Petrovič, PhD. I 19 278 RNDr. Jozef Šiška, PhD. I 7 444 RNDr. Martin Takáč, PhD. I 37 370 Researchers: doc. PhDr. Ján Šefránek, CSc. I 17 389 Mgr. Tomáš Vinař, PhD. M 163 207
Section of Declarative Programming (SDP)
Head of Section: doc. RNDr. Damas Gruska, PhD. I 20 846 Teachers: RNDr. Andrej Blaho, PhD. I 5 442 doc. RNDr. Damas Gruska, PhD. I 20 846 RNDr. Dušan Guller, PhD. I 28 625 RNDr. Tatiana Jajcayová, PhD. I 24a 278 Mgr. Ján Kľuka, PhD. I 33b 374 Ing. Ján Komara, PhD. I 16 727 RNDr. Marián Vittek, PhD. I 16 727 Researchers: RNDr. Peter Borovanský, PhD. I 18 436
Centre for Cognitive Science (CCS)
doc. PhDr. Ján Rybár, PhD. (coordinator) I 25 672 doc. Ing. Igor Farkaš, PhD. (deputy coordinator) I 35 621 RNDr. Barbora Cimrová, PhD. I 11 no phone PhDr. Dezider Kamhal, PhD. I 36 622 Mgr. Pavel Petrovič, PhD. I 19 278 RNDr. Martin Takáč, PhD. I 37 370
Supporting Centre for Visually Handicapped Students
(integrated within Department, having a faculty-wide character)
Head of Section: PaedDr. Elena Mendelová, PhD. I 40 166 Researchers: Mgr. Lucia Hanačíková I 41 515 Mgr. Peter Lecký I 41 515 PaedDr. Elena Mendelová, PhD. I 40 166
65424862Other staff: Mgr. Ľudmila Kapustová I 38 573
Doctoral students
External cooperating staff
Previous employees and students of Department of Applied Informatics, previously Institute of Informatics maintain a dedicated page: DAI Alumni
1) Room
2) Extension (from Slovakia, you can call 02-60295-extension; from abroad, the number is: +421-2-60295-extension)