Gallery: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

Riadok 2: Riadok 2:
* [[AI seminar September 2008 with Chiaki Sakama and Katsumi Inoue]] (photo)
* [[AI seminar September 2008 with Chiaki Sakama and Katsumi Inoue]] (photo)
* [[Robolution 2008/07]] (photo)
* [[Robolution July 2008]] (photo)
* [[Diploma theses defense, June 3rd 2008]] (photo)
* [[Diploma theses defense, June 3rd 2008]] (photo)
* [  Activities Penguin Quart and Penguin Tutor. 2008/01] (video)
* [  Activities Penguin Quart and Penguin Tutor. 2008/01] (video)

Verzia zo dňa a času 20:53, 28. december 2008

This page contains links to pages with pictures, videos, and other multimedia material from our projects, activities, and events.

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