CogSci Diploma Thesis Seminar: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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= 2-IKV-921 Master Thesis Seminar =
== Schedule ==
{| class="alternative"  style="font-size:85%;"
!Date !! Content
|17.02||Introductory meeting.
|24.02.||Presentations of mobility projects for first-year students (Ljubljana, Zagreb)
|02.03.||Presentations of mobility projects for first-year students (Vienna)

Verzia zo dňa a času 22:28, 17. február 2016

2-IKV-921 Master Thesis Seminar


Date Content
17.02 Introductory meeting.
24.02. Presentations of mobility projects for first-year students (Ljubljana, Zagreb)
02.03. Presentations of mobility projects for first-year students (Vienna)