Course KRR: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

(Cleaning out junk from last year (it is archived...))
(Addind DL Handbook into literature.)
Riadok 17: Riadok 17:
# [ Šefránek, J. (2000). Inteligencia ako výpočet (p. 430). IRIS.]
# Baader et al.: [ The Description Logic Handbook: Theory, Implementation and Applications.] Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2003.
#  Šefránek, J.:[ Inteligencia ako výpočet.] IRIS, 2000.
== Evaluation ==
== Evaluation ==

Verzia zo dňa a času 14:40, 5. marec 2013

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (course homepage)

  • Lectures: Martin Baláž, Martin Homola
  • Labs: Alexander Šimko

Course outline

  • From databases to KR&R
  • From deduction to hypothetical reasoning
  • Preferences
  • Knowledge revision
  • Induction
  • Abduction


  1. Baader et al.: The Description Logic Handbook: Theory, Implementation and Applications. Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2003.
  2. Šefránek, J.:Inteligencia ako výpočet. IRIS, 2000.


Evaluation points:

  • Midterm: 10
  • Exam: 30 (min 10)
  • Project: 25 (min 10)
  • Labs: 10 (min 3)
  • TOTAL: 75

Evaluation scale:

  • 67 and more: A
  • 59 and more: B
  • 52 and more: C
  • 45 and more: D
  • 39 and more: E



Lecture Slides


S druhou rozcvičkou boli trochu problémy, hlavne v korektnom zápise sledu argumentov. Jeden z môžných dôkazov nájdete v Súbor:R02riesenie.pdf