Introduction to Declarative Programming: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

(Initial version, just a link to the external course page)
Riadok 1: Riadok 1:
  | id = 1-AIN-505
  | semester = Summer
  | year = 1
  | credits = 4
  | teachers = Paul J. Voda, Ján Kľuka
See the [ page of the course] (in Slovak)
See the [ page of the course] (in Slovak)

Verzia zo dňa a času 19:39, 1. august 2007

{{{name}}} {{{code}}}

go to list of all courses...

Course name and code: {{{name}}} ({{{code}}})
Prerequisite courses: {{{prerequisites}}}
Available in/recommended study year: Summer semester / 1
Form and # of hours/week: {{{form}}}
Credits: 4
Evaluation (semester/exam): {{{evaluation}}}
Course webpage: {{{webpage}}}
Information sheet: {{{code}}} information sheet
Teacher(s): {{{teacher}}}

Short description:


Offered in these study programs: {{{offered_in}}}

Recommendations: {{{recommendations}}}

See the page of the course (in Slovak)