CogSci Diploma Thesis Seminar: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

Riadok 1: Riadok 1:
= 2-IKV-921 Master Thesis Seminar =
= 2-IKV-921 Master Thesis Seminar =
Summer semester 2015-2016
'''Teachers:''' Igor Farkaš and Ján Rybár
'''Time and place:''' Wednesdays 14:00, I-9
== Schedule ==
== Schedule ==
Riadok 14: Riadok 18:
|02.03.||Presentations of mobility projects for first-year students (Vienna)
|02.03.||Presentations of mobility projects for first-year students (Vienna)
|09.03.||Master thesis concept, How to write a good master thesis
|16.03.||Introductory presentations of master thesis concept I. (list of presenters)
|23.03.||Introductory presentations of master thesis concept II. (list of presenters)
|30.03.||Introductory presentations of master thesis concept III. (list of presenters)

Verzia zo dňa a času 22:36, 17. február 2016

2-IKV-921 Master Thesis Seminar

Summer semester 2015-2016 Teachers: Igor Farkaš and Ján Rybár Time and place: Wednesdays 14:00, I-9


Date Content
17.02 Introductory meeting.
24.02. Presentations of mobility projects for first-year students (Ljubljana, Zagreb)
02.03. Presentations of mobility projects for first-year students (Vienna)
09.03. Master thesis concept, How to write a good master thesis
16.03. Introductory presentations of master thesis concept I. (list of presenters)
23.03. Introductory presentations of master thesis concept II. (list of presenters)
30.03. Introductory presentations of master thesis concept III. (list of presenters)
06.04. break
13.04. break
20.04. break
27.04. break
04.05. break
11.05. break
18.05. break