Šablóna:BoxedColumn: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

Riadok 1: Riadok 1:
<div class="col-md-{{{width|4}}} {{{col-class|}}}">
<div class="col-md-{{{width|4}}} {{{col-class|}}}">
<div class="box {{{box-class|}}}">
<div class="box {{{box-class|}}}">
<div class="image  hidden-xs  hidden-sm">{{{image|}}}</div>
{{#if:{{{image|}}}|<div class="image  hidden-xs  hidden-sm">{{{image|}}}</div>}}
<div class="pipe"></div>
<div class="pipe"></div>
<div class="more">{{{url}}}</div>
{{#if:{{{link|}}}|<div class="more">{{{link}}}</div>}}
<div class="row"></div>
= Template:BoxedColumn =
= Template:BoxedColumn =
Riadok 21: Riadok 19:
     | col-class = additional class(es) for the column div, may be empty
     | col-class = additional class(es) for the column div, may be empty
     | box-class = additional class(es) for the box div, may be empty
     | box-class = additional class(es) for the box div, may be empty
     | image = the header image, displayed above content, may be empty
     | image = the header image, displayed above content (optional)
    | link = the link to be rendered as an arrow in the bottom-right corner of the box (optional)
     | content = content to be displayed in the column
     | content = content to be displayed in the column
    | url = the link to be rendered as the arrow in the bottom-right corner of the box

Aktuálna revízia z 14:39, 16. júl 2015



This template renders as a layout column of the given width on medium-sized and larger (>= 992 px wide) displays in the CSS framework Bootstrap wrapping a uniba.sk-style box with the given content and an arrow containing the given link.

Should be used inside a <div class="row">…</div> in order to obtain predictable results.


    | width = 1–12, defaults to 4
    | col-class = additional class(es) for the column div, may be empty
    | box-class = additional class(es) for the box div, may be empty
    | image = the header image, displayed above content (optional)
    | link = the link to be rendered as an arrow in the bottom-right corner of the box (optional)
    | content = content to be displayed in the column