Šablóna:Column: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

Riadok 2: Riadok 2:
= Template:Column =
This template renders as a layout column of the given width on medium-sized and larger (>= 992 px wide) displays in the CSS framework Bootstrap.
Should be used inside a <code><nowiki><div class="row">…</div></nowiki></code> in order to obtain predictable results.
== Usage: ==
    | width = 1–12, defaults to 4
    | class = additional class(es), may be empty
    | column-content = content to be displayed in the column

Aktuálna revízia z 16:01, 29. jún 2015


This template renders as a layout column of the given width on medium-sized and larger (>= 992 px wide) displays in the CSS framework Bootstrap.

Should be used inside a <div class="row">…</div> in order to obtain predictable results.


    | width = 1–12, defaults to 4
    | class = additional class(es), may be empty
    | column-content = content to be displayed in the column