Course CompLog: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

Riadok 34: Riadok 34:
== Lecture Slides ==
== Lecture Slides ==
# [[File:CompLog2012-Lecture-1-FOL.pdf|First Order Logic, Syntax and Semanics]]
# [[File:CompLog2012-Lecture-1-FOL.pdf|First Order Logic, Syntax and Semanics]] [[File:Exercises-01-FOL.pdf]]

Verzia zo dňa a času 12:17, 27. september 2012

This is the homepage of 2-AIN-108 Computational Logic course in the Master program of Applied Informatics.

  • Lecturers: Martin Baláž, Martin Homola
  • Lab assistants: Martin Baláž, Jozef Frtús
  • Schedule: Tue 9:50 F1-328 (lectures), Wed 13:10 M-V (labs) Thu 8:10 M-XI (labs)

Note: it is likely that due to low number of students this year one of the lab sessions will be cancelled


  1. First Order Logic
  2. Description logics and ontologies
  3. Logic programming
  4. Dynamic logic
  5. Argumentation
  6. Multi-context systems (*)


  • Midterm: 10 pints
  • Exam: 30 points (min 10)
  • Labs: 10 points (min 3)
  • Project/Homework: 5 points (min 1)
  • Total: 55 points


  • A: 47 and more points
  • B: 41 and more points
  • C: 35 and more points
  • D: 29 and more points
  • E: 23 and more points
  • Fx: less than 23 points

Lecture Slides

  1. Súbor:CompLog2012-Lecture-1-FOL.pdf Súbor:Exercises-01-FOL.pdf