Michal Maly/en: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

(teaching for winter semester 2010)
(7 medziľahlých úprav od rovnakého používateľa.)
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=== Consultation hours ===
* Tuesday 11:15-12:15 or can be arranged via email
=== Teaching ===
* Programming 3 (exercises): Wednesday 8:10, 13:10
* taught by F. Gyárfáš, see https://www.dai.fmph.uniba.sk/~gyarfas/
Riadok 25: Riadok 17:
===  Publications ===
===  Publications ===
* Cognitive Assembler. Proceedings of AKRR'08, International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Adaptive Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 2008, http://mmm.ii.fmph.uniba.sk/cognitive_assembler.pdf
* [http://kedrigern.dcs.fmph.uniba.sk/reports/download.php?id=23 Reversing Some Graphic Effects by Anticonvolution Matrix] (only in Slovak language at this time), Technical Report TR-2010-022, Comenius University
Michal Malý: [http://www.dai.fmph.uniba.sk/upload/b/b3/Thesis.pdf Reinforcement Learning with Abstraction]. PhD thesis, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2012
Michal Malý: [http://www.dai.fmph.uniba.sk/upload/3/3c/Using_a_Network_of_Untrusted_Computers_for_Secure_Computing.pdf Using a Network of Untrusted Computers for Secure Computing]. The Seventh International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, Venice, Italy, 2011 - ISBN: 978-1-61208-006-2
Michal Malý: [http://www.dai.fmph.uniba.sk/upload/f/f0/Clanok-Kognitivna-mapa-bludiska.pdf Kognitívna mapa bludiska], Kognice a umělý život XI, Opava Slezská univerzita, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7248-644-1. S. 141-147
Michal Malý, Miroslav Kocun: [http://www.dai.fmph.uniba.sk/upload/d/d3/Clanok-fyzikalna-eliza.pdf Fyzikálna Eliza], Kognice a umělý život XI, Opava : Slezská univerzita, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7248-644-1. S.149-152
Igor Farkaš, Michal Malý, Kristína Rebrová: Porozumenie motorickým akciám - hypotéza kontinua, Kognice a umělý život XI, Opava : Slezská univerzita, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7248-644-1. S. 61-68
Michal Malý: [http://www.dai.fmph.uniba.sk/upload/c/ca/Natural_Language_Processing_with_Application_to_Slovak_Language.pdf Natural Language Processing with Application to Slovak Language]. Rigorous thesis, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2011
Igor Farkaš, Michal Malý, Kristína Rebrová: [http://kedrigern.dcs.fmph.uniba.sk/reports/display.php?id=34 Mirror neurons – theoretical and computational issues], Technical Report TR-2011-028, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2011
Michal Malý: Využitie abstrakcie v učení posilňovaním, Kognice a umělý život X. - Opava : Slezská univerzita, 2010. - ISBN 978-80-7248-589-5. - S. 235-238
Michal Malý: [http://www.fmph.uniba.sk/fileadmin/user_upload/editors/studium/svk/2010/AIN/14.pdf Semi-automatic creation of a stemming dictionary of an inflecting language using grammatical induction], Proceedings of the Student Science Conference 2010. Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2010. - ISBN
978-80-89186-68-6. - S. 295-300
Michal Malý: [http://kedrigern.dcs.fmph.uniba.sk/reports/download.php?id=23 Použitie antikonvolučnej matice na odstránenie niektorých grafických efektov], Technical Report TR-2010-022, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2010
Michal Malý: [http://research.ics.tkk.fi/events/AKRR08/papers/maly.pdf Cognitive assembler], AKRR'08 : The 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Adaptive Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. - Helsinki: Helsinki University of Techonology, 2008. - ISBN 978-951-22-9525-8. - S. 60-64
Michal Malý: Kognitívny assembler, Kognice a umělý život VIII. - Opava  Slezská univerzita, 2008. - ISBN 978-80-7248-462-1. - S. 215-219
Michal Malý: [http://vili.uniba.sk:8880/ddp/dostupne/2007-FM-jgNeRB/2007-FM-jgNeRB.pdf Complexity of Revised Stable Models]. Master's thesis. Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2007

Aktuálna revízia z 00:43, 31. júl 2013

Michal Malý

Michal Malý
Name: Michal Malý
doctoral student
Phone: +421 2 602 95 443
Email: michal.maly@fmph.uniba.sk
Office: i6
Address: Michal Malý
Department of Applied Informatics
Mlynská dolina
824 48 Bratislava


  • cognition, strong AI, reinforcement learning, rational agents
  • security


Michal Malý: Reinforcement Learning with Abstraction. PhD thesis, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2012

Michal Malý: Using a Network of Untrusted Computers for Secure Computing. The Seventh International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, Venice, Italy, 2011 - ISBN: 978-1-61208-006-2

Michal Malý: Kognitívna mapa bludiska, Kognice a umělý život XI, Opava Slezská univerzita, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7248-644-1. S. 141-147

Michal Malý, Miroslav Kocun: Fyzikálna Eliza, Kognice a umělý život XI, Opava : Slezská univerzita, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7248-644-1. S.149-152

Igor Farkaš, Michal Malý, Kristína Rebrová: Porozumenie motorickým akciám - hypotéza kontinua, Kognice a umělý život XI, Opava : Slezská univerzita, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7248-644-1. S. 61-68

Michal Malý: Natural Language Processing with Application to Slovak Language. Rigorous thesis, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2011

Igor Farkaš, Michal Malý, Kristína Rebrová: Mirror neurons – theoretical and computational issues, Technical Report TR-2011-028, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2011

Michal Malý: Využitie abstrakcie v učení posilňovaním, Kognice a umělý život X. - Opava : Slezská univerzita, 2010. - ISBN 978-80-7248-589-5. - S. 235-238

Michal Malý: Semi-automatic creation of a stemming dictionary of an inflecting language using grammatical induction, Proceedings of the Student Science Conference 2010. Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2010. - ISBN 978-80-89186-68-6. - S. 295-300

Michal Malý: Použitie antikonvolučnej matice na odstránenie niektorých grafických efektov, Technical Report TR-2010-022, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2010

Michal Malý: Cognitive assembler, AKRR'08 : The 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Adaptive Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. - Helsinki: Helsinki University of Techonology, 2008. - ISBN 978-951-22-9525-8. - S. 60-64

Michal Malý: Kognitívny assembler, Kognice a umělý život VIII. - Opava Slezská univerzita, 2008. - ISBN 978-80-7248-462-1. - S. 215-219

Michal Malý: Complexity of Revised Stable Models. Master's thesis. Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2007

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