Seminar in Bioinformatics 2/en: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

(New page: {{Predmet | name = Seminár z bioinformatiky (2) | code = 2-AIN-504 | prerequisites = žiadne | semester = Letný | year = 1-2 | credits = 1 | form = S - seminar (2) | eval...)
(2 medziľahlé úpravy od rovnakého používateľa.)
Riadok 1: Riadok 1:
   | name = Seminár z bioinformatiky (2)
   | name = Seminar in Bioinformatics (2)
   | code = 2-AIN-504
   | code = 2-AIN-504
   | prerequisites = žiadne
   | prerequisites = none
   | semester = Letný
   | semester = Summer
   | year = 1-2
   | year = 1-2
   | credits = 1
   | credits = 1
   | form = S - seminar (2)
   | form = S - seminar (2)
   | evaluation = 100/0  
   | evaluation = 100/0  
   | webpage = chýba
   | webpage = not available
   | teacher = [[Brona Brejova|Mgr. Broňa Brejová, PhD.]]
   | teacher = [[Brona Brejova|Mgr. Broňa Brejová, PhD.]]
   | email = bb248[[Image:zavinac.gif|@]]
   | email = bb248[[Image:zavinac.gif|@]]
   | homepage =  
   | homepage =  
   | description = Oboznámenie sa s najnovšími pokrokmi v oblasti bioinformatiky a v príbuzných oblastiach
   | description = not available
   | offered_in = Voliteľný v [[Master program in Applied Informatics|Magisterskom programe Aplikovaná informatika]]
   | offered_in = Elective in [[Master program in Applied Informatics]]
   | recommendations = žiadne
   | recommendations = none

Aktuálna revízia z 13:30, 9. september 2008

Seminar in Bioinformatics (2) 2-AIN-504

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Course name and code: Seminar in Bioinformatics (2) (2-AIN-504)
Prerequisite courses: none
Available in/recommended study year: Summer semester / 1-2
Form and # of hours/week: S - seminar (2)
Credits: 1
Evaluation (semester/exam): 100/0
Course webpage: not available
Information sheet: 2-AIN-504 information sheet
Teacher(s): Mgr. Broňa Brejová, PhD.

Short description:

not available

Offered in these study programs: Elective in Master program in Applied Informatics

Recommendations: none