Master program in Cognitive Science: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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Previous experience in research and educational efforts in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science at our department resulted in establishment of international interdisciplinary master program in Cognitive Science. Please visit the [ local] and
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the [ international] websites of the program.
See also: [[Recommendations for students of Master program in Cognitive Science]]
The guarantor of this program is [[Jan Rybar|Doc. PhDr. Ján Rybár, CSc.]]
To pass the program, a student must:
# acquire 120 credits
# pass all obligatory subjects, and acquire required number of credits in obligatory-optional subjects 
#  pass the state examination and successfully defend a diploma thesis (registration for the state examination is possible only after the points 1 and 2 are satisfied)
In addition, the student should comply with the following regulations:
The purpose of the compensatory subjects is to compensate for the handicap in the knowledge required to start the study of the program. A bachelor who graduated in Informatics program will register for 2-IKV-111 and 2-IKV-112. A bachelor who graduated in Psychology program will register for 2-IKV-101 and 2-IKV-102. Each student will register for 2-IKV-103, except of the students who passed 1-AIN-360 (Fundamentals of AI) as part of their bachelor studies. A bachelor who graduated in a different area should register for all 4 compensatory subjects.
A student should acquire at least 30 credits for subjects registered at a partner university that is member of the MEiCogSci consortium, and some of these
will be obligatory subjects or obligatory-optional subjects because a student must acquire at least 70% credits for these subjects.
The subjects marked with a star (*) will run in English language and are organized primarily for the foreign students who are coming to FMFI for their MEiCogSci mobility.
Each row in the following table contains the following:
* ECTS subject code, name of the course (link to the course page with short description), name of the teacher or department (link to his or her page)
* list of prerequisite courses (recommended or required: marked by !)
* recommended year of study (in which semester does the subject have a slot allocated in the course schedule)
* type of the course (K - course, P - lecture, C - exercise, S - seminar, L - lab exercise, X - practice, O - short study concentration stay, D - diploma thesis, I - another form) and number of hours per week
* number of credits
* form of student evaluation (during semester/exam) - in percent
* S at the end of row means that the subject is suspended in this year
Please note that in addition to the following subjects, each student can select subjects from the wide range of whole faculty subjects listed [ at Faculty pages].
'''Blocks of Compensatory Subjects'''<br>
''obligatory choice: 1 block (from 2 blocks)''
* Compensatory Subjects - Artificial Intelligence
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse:collapse;font-size:8pt;"
|2-IKV-101||[[CogSci Programming|Programming (1)]]||[[Jan Svantner|Švantner J.]] || ||1/W ||L2,LP2||5||50/50
|2-IKV-102||[[CogSci Mathematics|Mathematics]]||[ Kvasnička V.] || ||1/W ||L2,P2||5||50/50
|2-IKV-103||[[Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence for Cognitive Science]]||[[Maria Markosova|Markošová M.]] || ||1/W ||L2,S2||5||50/50
* Compensatory Subjects - Psychology
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse:collapse;font-size:8pt;"
|2-IKV-111||[[Introduction to Psychology]]||Hennelová K. || ||1/W ||L2,S1||5||50/50
|2-IKV-112||[[Modern Social Theories]]||Višňovský E. || ||1/W ||L2,LP2||5||50/50
'''Obligatory subjects'''
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse:collapse;font-size:8pt;"
|2-IKV-121||[[Introduction to Cognitive Science]]||[[Martin Takac|Takáč M.]] || ||1/W ||L2,S1||5||70/30
|2-IKV-113||[[Cognitive Psychology]]||[[Jan Rybar|Rybár J.]] || ||1/W ||L2,S2||5||50/50
|2-IKV-114||[[Introduction to Philosophy of Mind]]||[[Dezider Kamhal|Kamhal D.]] || ||1/W ||L2,S2||5||50/50
|2-IKV-115||[[Introduction to Computer Intelligence]]||[[Igor Farkas|Farkaš I.]] || ||1/W ||L2,S1||5||70/30
|2-IKV-123||[[Introduction to Neuroscience]]||Ostatníková D. || ||1/S ||L3||5||30/70
|2-IKV-122||[[CogSci Semester Project|Semester Project]]||[ KAI] || ||1/S ||LP4||5||100/0
|2-IKV-921||[[Diploma Thesis Seminar]]||[ KAI] || ||2/S ||C4||5||70/30
|2-IKV-910||[[Diploma Thesis]]||[ KAI] || ||2/S ||D||20||70/30
'''Obligatory-Optional Subjects'''
* Artificial Intelligence, ''obligatory choice: 10 credits''
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse:collapse;font-size:8pt;"
|2-IKV-267||[[Mathematical Logic for Cognitive Science]]||[ Zlatoš P.] *|| ||1/S ||L2,P1||5||50/50
|2-IKV-131||[[Representation, Knowledge and Reasoning]]||[[Jan Sefranek|Šefránek J.]] ||2-IKV-103!||1/S||L2,P2||5||50/50
|2-IKV-133||[[Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence 2|Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (2)]]||[[Maria Markosova|Markošová M.]]||2-IKV-103!||1/S||L2,S2||5||50/50
|2-IKV-135||[[Neurocomputing]]||[[Igor Farkas|Farkaš I.]] || ||1/S ||L2,P2||5||70/30
* Psychology, ''obligatory choice: 5 credits''
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse:collapse;font-size:8pt;"
|2-IKV-141||[[Current Trends in Cognitive Psychology]]||Ruisel I. ||2-IKV-111!||1/S||L2,S1||5||50/50
|2-IKV-183||[[Psycholinguistics]]||Hanulová J. || ||1/S ||L2,S1||5||50/50
|2-IKV-143||[[Philosophy of Language]]||[[Dezider Kamhal|Kamhal D.]] || ||1/S ||L2,S1||5||70/30
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse:collapse;font-size:8pt;"
|2-AIN-123||[[Computer Vision 1|Computer Vision (1)]]||[[Milan Ftacnik|Ftáčnik M.]] || ||1/W ||L2,P2||5||40/60
|2-INF-150||[ Machine Learning]||[ Hegedüs T.]|| ||1/W ||L3,P1||6||10/90
|2-IKV-184||[[Cognitive Antropology]]||Kanovský M. *|| ||1/W ||L2,S1||5||60/40
|2-AIN-181||[[Evolutionary Algorithms]]||[[Maria Markosova|Markošová M.]] || ||1/W ||C2||3||40/60
|2-IKV-167||[[Practical Classes in Robotics]]||[[Pavel Petrovic|Petrovič Pa.]] || ||1/S ||S2||3||100/0
|2-IKV-261||[[Logic and Cognitive Science]]||[[Jan Sefranek|Šefránek J.]] ||2-IKV-103!||1/S||L2,S1||5||50/50
|1-AIN-480||[[Neural Networks]]||[[Igor Farkas|Farkaš I.]] ||2-IKV-101! and 2-IKV-102!||1/S||L2,P2||6||50/50
|2-IKV-164||[[Multiagent Systems]]||[[Andrej Lucny|Lúčny A.]] ||2-IKV-103!||1/S||L2,P2||5||50/50
|2-AIN-503||[[Seminar in Bioinformatics 1|Seminar in Bioinformatics (1)]]||[[Brona Brejova|Brejová B.]] || ||1/W ||S2||1||100/0&nbsp;s
|2-AIN-109||[[Programming of Parallel and Distributed Systems]]||[[Damas Gruska|Gruska D.]] || ||1/S ||L3,P1||4||40/60
|2-IKV-181||[[Meaning and Communication]]||[[Dezider Kamhal|Kamhal D.]] || ||1/S ||L2,S1||5||70/30
|2-INF-238||[[Graphic Models in Machine Learning]]||[[Tomas Vinar|Vinař T.]] || ||1/S ||L4||6||40/60
|2-IKV-142||[[Philosophy of Action]]||Višňovský E. *|| ||2/W ||L2,S1||5||50/50
|2-IKV-262||[[Computational Psycholinguistics]]||[[Igor Farkas|Farkaš I.]] *|| ||2/W ||L2,S1||5||70/30
|2-IKV-234||[[Knowledgeable Problem Solving Systems]]||[[Mikulas Popper|Popper M.]] *|| ||2/W ||L2,P2||5||50/50
|2-IKV-232||[[Cognitive Semantics and Cognitive Theory of Representation]]||[[Martin Takac|Takáč M.]] *|| ||2/W ||L2,S2||5||50/50
|2-IKV-265||[[Speech Recognition]]||[[Marek Nagy|Nagy M.]] || ||2/W ||L2,P2||5||30/70
|2-IKV-182||[[Current Theories of Consciousness]]||[[Egon Gal|Gál E.]] (KAI) *||2-IKV-114!||2/W||L2,S1||5||50/50
|2-IKV-233||[[Cognitive Laboratory]]||[[Jan Rybar|Rybár J.]] *|| ||2/W ||C3||5||50/50
|2-IKV-235||[[New Trends in Cognitive Science]]||[[Igor Farkas|Farkaš I.]] *|| ||2/W ||S3||5||70/30
|2-AIN-245||[[Judgement Involving Uncertainty]]||[[Dusan Guller|Guller D.]] || ||2/W ||C4||6||40/60&nbsp;s
|2-AIN-143||[[Qualitative Modelling and Simulation]]||[[Martin Takac|Takáč M.]] || ||2/S ||L2,P2||6||40/60

Aktuálna revízia z 17:34, 23. august 2008

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