Šablóna:Person: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

Riadok 2: Riadok 2:
{{{email}}}, {{{phone}}}<BR>
{{{email}}}, {{{phone}}}<BR>
@en|"''Courses: {{{courses}}}<BR>''"
@en|"''Courses:'' {{{courses}}}<BR>"
@sk|"''Výučba:'' {{{courses}}}<BR>"
''Research interests:'' {{{interests}}}<BR>
''Research interests:'' {{{interests}}}<BR>

Verzia zo dňa a času 16:41, 1. júl 2008

|{{{name}}} {{{surname}}}, {{{titles}}}, {{{occupation}}} {{{email}}}, {{{phone}}}
<multilang> @en|"Courses: {{{courses}}}
" @sk|"Výučba:" </multilang> Research interests: {{{interests}}}
[{{{homepage}}} Homepage] | [[Image:{{{photo}}}|thumb|{{{name}}} {{{surname}}}]] |-


This is a template for a person on the Staff page. Use it as follows

   | name = Igor
   | surname = Farkaš
   | titles = doc. Ing. PhD
   | occupation = teacher
   | email = farkas at fmph.uniba.sk
   | phone = +421 2 60295 621
   | courses = none during this term
   | interests = neural networks, self-organization, connectionist language modeling
   | homepage = http://ii.fmph.uniba.sk/~farkas
   | photo = farkas.jpg

An example to copy & paste:

   | name = Jozef
   | surname = Mrkvička
   | titles = RNDr. PhD.
   | occupation = teacher
   | email = mrkvicka at fmph.uniba.sk
   | phone = +421 2 602 95 123
   | courses = [[Introduction to Something]], [[The Theory of Everything]]
   | interests = something, the theory of everything
   | homepage = http://ii.fmph.uniba.sk/~mrkvicka/
   | photo = mrkvicka.jpg