Introduction/en: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

Riadok 5: Riadok 5:
==Recent news==
==Recent news==
* [ Cognition and Artificial Life IX], 1-4.6.2009
* [ Cognition and Artificial Life IX], 1-4.6.2009
* [[News|Changes in the study programmes]] - which subjects open/do not open this semester
* [[News|Sylabus of state examination for Master program in Applied Informatics]]
* [[Seminar: Dr. Susanne Reiterer - Language talent: preliminary results from a large scale psycholinguistic and brain imaging study]], Tuesday, 27 Jan 09, 16.00. I9
* [[News|More news...]]

Verzia zo dňa a času 12:59, 5. marec 2009


Welcome to the Department of Applied Informatics (DAI) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Comenius University in Bratislava, one of the three informatics departments at our faculty (the other two being Department of Computer Science and Department of Informatics Education). We provide study programs in Applied Informatics both at bachelor and master levels, and the international master programme in Cognitive science. We focus our research efforts in the areas of Computer Graphics and Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, and Declarative Programming.

Recent news

Learn more about Department of Applied Informatics...

Sibenk Atrium
High-quality rendering (Sibenk Atrium), from projects of Computer Graphics Group
RecSOMsard architecture
RecSOMsard architecture, from the research of Connectionist group
Hand-writing tutoring system
Hand-writing tutoring system, from research on speech and hand-writing recognition.
Robolution summer school
From Robolution summer school on Robotics, 2008