Šablóna:Course: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

Riadok 31: Riadok 31:
   {{!-}} }}
   {{!}}{{{homepage}}} }}  

Verzia zo dňa a času 14:51, 31. august 2008

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Subject name and code: {{{name}}} ({{{code}}})
Prerequisite subjects: {{{prerequisites}}}
Available in/recommended study year: {{{semester}}} semester / {{{year}}}
Form and # of hours/week: {{{form}}}
Credits: {{{credits}}}
Evaluation (semester/exam): {{{evaluation}}}
Subject webpage: {{{webpage}}}
Information sheet: download (Word document)
Teacher(s): {{{teacher}}}
E-mail: {{{email}}}
Homepage(s): {{{homepage}}}

Short description:


Offered in these study programs: {{{offered_in}}}

Recoomendations: {{{recommendations}}}
