RealTimeComputerGraphics: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

(38 medziľahlých úprav od rovnakého používateľa.)
Riadok 15: Riadok 15:
* Show your project (70%).
* Show your project (70%).
**Project specification template: [[media:RTGProjektSpecifikacia.doc|RTGProjektSpecifikacia.doc]]
**For video recording you can use:
* Pass oral exam: (30%, min. 15 points).
* Pass oral exam: (30%, min. 15 points).
Riadok 26: Riadok 28:
** Fx = 0-59
** Fx = 0-59
=== Lesson01 "Introduction to Computer Graphics" ===
=== Lesson00 "Introduction to Computer Graphics" ===
* Introduction to Computer Graphics
* Introduction to Computer Graphics
* Common techniques
* Common techniques
Riadok 34: Riadok 37:
* Lecture schedule
* Lecture schedule
* "Terms and conditions" of this lecture
* "Terms and conditions" of this lecture
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson01.pdf|lesson01.pdf]]
* Lecture notes: [[media:Lecture0.pdf|Lecture0.pdf]]
=== Lesson01 "Graphics Pipeline, Shaders" ===
* OpenGL Graphics Pipeline
* Shader languages
* GLSL – vertex, fragment
* Passing variables
* Lecture notes: [[media:Lecture1.pdf|Lecture1.pdf]]
=== Lesson02 "Buffer Objects, FBO" ===
* Vertex arrays
* Buffer object data
* Vertex Buffer Objects
* Pixel Buffer Objects
* Rendering to texture
* Deferred lighting
* Lecture notes: [[media:Lecture2.pdf|Lecture2.pdf]]
=== Lesson03 "Lighting, Texturing" ===
* Rendering equation
* Phong local illumination
* Oren-Nayar model
* Cook-Torrance model
* Texture filtering
* Bump mapping
* Lecture notes: [[media:Lecture3.pdf|Lecture3.pdf]]
=== Lesson04 "Global Illumination" ===
* Ambient occlusion
* Distance attenuation
* Ray tracing
* Depth buffer masking
* Lecture notes: [[media:Lecture4.pdf|Lecture4.pdf]]
=== Lesson05 "Shadows" ===
* Shadows generation
* Light maps
* Planar shadows
* Projective shadows
* Shadow mapping
* Shadow volumes
* Lecture notes: [[media:Lecture5.pdf|Lecture5.pdf]]
=== Lesson06 "Reflections, Refractions" ===
* Blending
* Fresnel reflectance
* Environment mapping
* Water rendering
* Caustics
* Subsurface scattering
* Lecture notes: [[media:Lecture6.pdf|Lecture6.pdf]]
=== Lesson07 "Post-Processing" ===
* Depth of Field
* Gaussian blur
* Motion blur
* Glow
* High Dynamic Range
* Tone mapping
* Lecture notes: [[media:Lecture7.pdf|Lecture7.pdf]]
=== Lesson08 "Geometry Optimalization" ===
* Reducing geometry
* Back-face culling
* Occlusion culling
* Levels of Detail
* Texture atlas
* Lecture notes: [[media:Lecture8.pdf|Lecture8.pdf]]
=== Lesson09 "GPGPU" ===
* Shared memory
* OpenCL
* Compute shaders
* Lecture notes: [[media:Lecture9.pdf|Lecture9.pdf]]
=== Lesson10 "GPU Volume Graphics" ===
* Volume Data
* Transfer Function
* Marching Cubes
* 3D Textures
* Multi-textures
* Ray-casting
* Lecture notes: [[media:Lecture10.pdf|Lecture10.pdf]]
*On every seminar we will focus on the selected problems from lessons. We will use programming tools to perform real-time computer graphics algorithms.
**All in one package:
=== Excercise00 "Základný projekt” ===
* Základný projekt: [[media:cv0.rar|cv0.rar]]
* Práca s knižnicami GLUT a GLEW
Témy: spustenie projektu, cvičenie s pridávaním svetla do scény a shaderov
=== Excercise01 "Animácia” ===
* Transformácia objektov
* Animácia, matice
Témy: cvičenie transformácie v shader programe: [[media:cv1.rar|cv1.rar]]
=== Excercise02 "GLSL 4.00.9” ===
* Transformácia objektov
* Animácia, matice
Témy: prepíšte predchádzajúce cvičenie do GLSL 4.00.9: [[|]]
=== Excercise03 "Geometry Shader” ===
* Z buffer
* Geometry Shader
Témy: napíšte geometry shader ktorý vytvorí z trojuholníka štvorsten: [[|]]
=== Excercise04 "Tessellation” ===
* Tessellation control shader
* Tessellation evaluation shader
Témy: napíšte control a evaluation  shader ktorý prerozdelí trojuholník: [[|]]
=== Excercise05 "Motion Blur” ===
* Screen space motion blur
* Framebuffer Object
Témy: napíšte shader ktorý vytvorí efekt "motion blur": [[|]]
=== Excercise06 "Projekcia” ===
* Projekčná matica
* Zobrazenie modelu
Témy: nastavte kameru a zobrazte scénu: [[|]]
=== Excercise07 "Shadow Mapping” ===
* Hĺbková textúra
* Tieň
Témy: nastavte kameru z pohľadu svetla a zobrazte tieň: [[|]]
=== Excercise08 "Ambient Occlusion” ===
* Hĺbková textúra
* Ambient Occlusion
Témy: nastavte shader program na zobrazenie efektu ambient occlusion: [[|]]
=== Excercise09 "Post-processing” ===
* Post-processing
* Glow
Témy: nastavte shader program na zobrazenie glow efektu: [[|]]

Aktuálna revízia z 11:03, 23. máj 2016

Real-time computer graphics

This lecture ...

  • Will focus on visualization of 3D scenes
  • Will show you what are current topics
  • Will improve your skills in
    • OpenGL
    • Computational geometry
    • Algorithms and data structures

What you Need to Pass

  • Grades
    • A = 92-100
    • B = 84-91
    • C = 76-83
    • D = 68-75
    • E = 60-67
    • Fx = 0-59


Lesson00 "Introduction to Computer Graphics"

  • Introduction to Computer Graphics
  • Common techniques
  • Cutting edge tools and packages
  • State of the Art
  • Lecture schedule
  • "Terms and conditions" of this lecture
  • Lecture notes: Lecture0.pdf

Lesson01 "Graphics Pipeline, Shaders"

  • OpenGL Graphics Pipeline
  • Shader languages
  • GLSL – vertex, fragment
  • Passing variables
  • Lecture notes: Lecture1.pdf

Lesson02 "Buffer Objects, FBO"

  • Vertex arrays
  • Buffer object data
  • Vertex Buffer Objects
  • Pixel Buffer Objects
  • Rendering to texture
  • Deferred lighting
  • Lecture notes: Lecture2.pdf

Lesson03 "Lighting, Texturing"

  • Rendering equation
  • Phong local illumination
  • Oren-Nayar model
  • Cook-Torrance model
  • Texture filtering
  • Bump mapping
  • Lecture notes: Lecture3.pdf

Lesson04 "Global Illumination"

  • Ambient occlusion
  • Distance attenuation
  • Ray tracing
  • Depth buffer masking
  • Lecture notes: Lecture4.pdf

Lesson05 "Shadows"

  • Shadows generation
  • Light maps
  • Planar shadows
  • Projective shadows
  • Shadow mapping
  • Shadow volumes
  • Lecture notes: Lecture5.pdf

Lesson06 "Reflections, Refractions"

  • Blending
  • Fresnel reflectance
  • Environment mapping
  • Water rendering
  • Caustics
  • Subsurface scattering
  • Lecture notes: Lecture6.pdf

Lesson07 "Post-Processing"

  • Depth of Field
  • Gaussian blur
  • Motion blur
  • Glow
  • High Dynamic Range
  • Tone mapping
  • Lecture notes: Lecture7.pdf

Lesson08 "Geometry Optimalization"

  • Reducing geometry
  • Back-face culling
  • Occlusion culling
  • Levels of Detail
  • Texture atlas
  • Lecture notes: Lecture8.pdf

Lesson09 "GPGPU"

  • SIMD
  • CUDA
  • Shared memory
  • OpenCL
  • Compute shaders
  • Lecture notes: Lecture9.pdf

Lesson10 "GPU Volume Graphics"

  • Volume Data
  • Transfer Function
  • Marching Cubes
  • 3D Textures
  • Multi-textures
  • Ray-casting
  • Lecture notes: Lecture10.pdf


Excercise00 "Základný projekt”

  • Základný projekt: cv0.rar
  • Práca s knižnicami GLUT a GLEW

Témy: spustenie projektu, cvičenie s pridávaním svetla do scény a shaderov

Excercise01 "Animácia”

  • Transformácia objektov
  • Animácia, matice

Témy: cvičenie transformácie v shader programe: cv1.rar

Excercise02 "GLSL 4.00.9”

  • Transformácia objektov
  • Animácia, matice
  • VBO

Témy: prepíšte predchádzajúce cvičenie do GLSL 4.00.9:

Excercise03 "Geometry Shader”

  • Z buffer
  • Geometry Shader

Témy: napíšte geometry shader ktorý vytvorí z trojuholníka štvorsten:

Excercise04 "Tessellation”

  • Tessellation control shader
  • Tessellation evaluation shader

Témy: napíšte control a evaluation shader ktorý prerozdelí trojuholník:

Excercise05 "Motion Blur”

  • Screen space motion blur
  • Framebuffer Object

Témy: napíšte shader ktorý vytvorí efekt "motion blur":

Excercise06 "Projekcia”

  • Projekčná matica
  • Zobrazenie modelu

Témy: nastavte kameru a zobrazte scénu:

Excercise07 "Shadow Mapping”

  • Hĺbková textúra
  • Tieň

Témy: nastavte kameru z pohľadu svetla a zobrazte tieň:

Excercise08 "Ambient Occlusion”

  • Hĺbková textúra
  • Ambient Occlusion

Témy: nastavte shader program na zobrazenie efektu ambient occlusion:

Excercise09 "Post-processing”

  • Post-processing
  • Glow

Témy: nastavte shader program na zobrazenie glow efektu: