Neural Networks: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

Riadok 6: Riadok 6:
   | year = 3
   | year = 3
   | credits = 6
   | credits = 6
   | form = L - laboratory exercise (2), P - lecture (2)
   | form = L - lecture (2), P - practicals (2)
   | evaluation = 50/50
   | evaluation = 50/50
   | webpage =
   | webpage =

Verzia zo dňa a času 17:12, 19. august 2008

Neural Networks 1-AIN-480

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Course name and code: Neural Networks (1-AIN-480)
Prerequisite courses: none
Available in/recommended study year: Summer semester / 3
Form and # of hours/week: L - lecture (2), P - practicals (2)
Credits: 6
Evaluation (semester/exam): 50/50
Course webpage:
Information sheet: 1-AIN-480 information sheet
Teacher(s): doc. Ing. Igor Farkaš, PhD.

Short description:

Provide introduction to principles of neural computation and the usability of various neural network models in solving various tasks (pattern recognition, classification, time series prediction, autoassociative memory and others).

Offered in these study programs: Obligatory-optional in Bachelor program in Applied Informatics

Recommendations: none