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The presentations will be divided into the following sections in the rooms of the Mathematics block: <table><tr><td><ol><li>Applied Mathematics and Statistics<li>Geometry, Algebra and Topology<li>Theoretical Computer Science and Graph Theory<li>Applied Computer Science<li>Computer Graphics</ol></td><td><ol start=6><li>Nuclear Physics<li>Theoretical Physics<li>Biophsics<li>Experimental Physics<li>Didactics</ol></td></tr></table>In the lecture room A, from 14:30 to 15:30, you can attend the plenary talk of Doc.RNDr. Miroslav Grajcar, CSc.: "Kvantové umelé štruktúry a kvantové počítače." |link = [http://www.fmph.uniba.sk/index.php?id=860 Student Scientific Conference 2010] }} {{News |title = Information technologies in praxis 2010 |when = April 26th 2010, 14:00 |image = [[Image:softec_centaur.png]] |text = The third year of conference with contributions from analysts, software architects, and programmers from Softec and Centaur, dedicated to the students of Informatics and Information Technologies at STU and CUB will take place on April the 26th 2010, at 14:00, in the lecture room B, entrance is free of charge. |link = [[Media:itprax2010.gif|Invitation (in Slovak)...]] }} {{News |title = OCR software for mathematical documents - InftyReader |when = February 19th 2010 |image = [[Image:infty64.gif]] |text = Seminar with presentation of the InftyReader program. This may be of interest to everybody who works with mathematical texts. <br><br>OCR software for mathematical documents - InftyReader<br>prof. Masakazu Suzuki, Kyushu University<br> Friday, February 19th 2010, 10:30, room I-9<br><br> Abstract:<br> "InftyReader" is OCR software developed in Kyushu University to convert scanned images or PDF of mathematical documents into various "editable" form documents:<br> XML, LaTeX sources, MathML, Word documents, etc. It segments the page images automatically into figures, tables, and text areas, and then recognizes ordinary texts and mathematical formulae in the text areas by using different OCR engines. Recognized results can be edited easily by using WYSIWYG authoring tool "InftyEditor" comparing the results with the original images. <br><br> In the talk, after brief description of our Infty system, I will give demonstrations of the newest version of InftyReader and InftyEditor. A newly developed authoring tool for mathematical multimedia documents of DAISY standard format will also be presented. |link = [http://www.inftyproject.org/suzukilabo/index-e.html More information...] }} {{News |title = Kognícia a umelý život X (Cognition and Artificial Life X) |when = May 31st - June 4th 2010 |image = [[Image:kuzX.png]] |text = The jubilee tenth Czech-Slovak meeting on cognition and artificial life will take place in hotel Sepetná by Ostravice under Beskydy mountains. The seminar has a tradition of several years, and provides a space for presentation of the results and aims of the researchers in the areas of cognition, artificial life, and artificial intelligence from Bohemia and Slovakia. The goal of the seminar is to forster interdisciplinary dialog between the scientific disciplines unified by the interest in this field. |link = [http://ui.fpf.slu.cz/kuz-x/ More information can be found at the seminar website...] }} {{News |title = Scientific Seminars |when = Spetember 28th 2009 |image = [[Image:stapler.jpg]] |text = Our department runs or participates in various research seminars that are usually open also for students who have a deeper interest in research topics or wish to join research efforts of the department. |link = [[Scientific Seminars|List of seminars...]] }} {{News |title = FIRST LEGO League in Slovakia |when = September 4th 2009 |image = [[Image:fll-logo.gif]] |text = Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics is organizer of the regional FLL tournament. This year's task has just been published at the contest website. We invite all the interested students aged 10-16 years to join the contest. |link = [http://firstlegoleague.sk/ More info at the contest website...] }} {{News |title = CENTROBOT Robot Summer School |when = July 31st - August 15th |image = [[Image:centrobot.png]] |text = The course will feature comprehensive introductory lectures, paired with all the specifics you will need to face the challenge of building your own robot and in the culmination of what might be the time of your life you will test your design against the designs of your fellow participants. |link = [http://www.centrobot.eu/sk/rss09/ CENTROBOT Robot Summer School] }} {{News |title = 7th Czech and Slovak ACM Student Research Competition 2009 |when = deadline june 11th 2009 |image = [[Image:acmsrc.png]] |text = Students are invited to submit their contributions to the Czech and Slovak ACM Student Research Competition 2009. Students of bachelor and master study programmes of Czech and Slovak universities can participate. The conference is sposored by Microsoft. The individual participants present their work in the area of computer science and information technologies. Information, important dates, registration, and required format are described at the contest website. |link = [http://acm.osu.cz/paper/asrc2009/ Czech and Slovak ACM Student Research Competition 2009] }} {{News |title = Spring Conference on Computer Graphics |when = April 23<sup>rd</sup> - 25<sup>th</sup> 2009 |image = [[Image:sccg.png]] |text = 25<sup>th</sup> year of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG) was launched in Budmerice today. The conference allows the best students and young researchers to meet the leading experts in the field, this year including Prof. Alan CHALMERS, Prof. Tor DOKKEN and Doc. Michael WIMMER. Every year, the computer graphics students compete to participate at the conference in a contest of Slovak Society for Informatics. The conferece was preceded by an [http://www.cescg.sk/ international student seminar CESCG], sponsored by leading IT company AUTODESK. |link = [http://www.sccg.sk Spring Conference on Computer Graphics] }} {{News |title = Information Technologies in Practice 2009 |when = March 5th 2009 |image = [[Image:conference.gif]] |text = Students are invited to participate at conference Information Technologies in Practice that aims to introduce modern technologies and principles of information systems development to the students of computer and information science and engineering at Slovak University of Technology and Comenius University in Bratislava. The conference is organized by the companies Softec and Centaur in cooperation with FIIT STU and it is part of the Week of cooperation with the industry 2009. The conference will take place in the building of STU, at Ilkovičova street 3 on Wednesday, March 5th 2009 at 14.00. FREE ENTRANCE. |link = [http://www.softec.sk/showdoc.do?docid=922 More about the conference...] }} {{News |title = State examination in Master program in Applied Informatics |when = March 4th 2009 |image = [[Image:exam.gif]] |text = The sylabus for the state examination in master program in Applied Informatics for the school year 2008/2009 has been published in the Education section of the department website. |link = [[State examinations for Master program in Applied Informatics]] (document is in Slovak language) }} {{News |title = Cognition and Artificial Life IX |when = June 1-4 2009 |image = [[Image:kuz.jpg]] |text = This year our department organizes Slovak - Czech conference on Cognition and Artificial Life |link = [http://dai.fmph.uniba.sk/events/kuz2009/ More information at the conference website...] }} {{News |title = Changes in the study programmes |when = summer semester 2008/2009 |image = |text = The following are the changes in summer semester 2008/2009 from the plan published in the study handbook: *2-INF-150, ''Machine Learning'' - moved to summer, lecturer changed *2-INF-147, ''Searching in text'' - opened, lecturer changed *2-AIN-504, ''Bioinformatics Seminar (2)'' - opened, lecturer changed *2-IKV-112 ''Modern social theories'' – moved to summer, lecturer changed *2-AIN-181, ''Evolutionary algorithms'' - moved to summer *2-AIN-104, ''Computational modeling of cognitive processes'' - Kvasnička, V. '''(FIIT, DE 150 Friday 10:00)''' '''Lecturer changed''': *2-AIN-143, ''Qualitative modeling and simulation'' - Macko, M. *2-IKV-141, ''New trends in cognitive psychology'' – Chudý, V. *2-IKV-183, ''Psycholinguistics'' - Bašnáková, J. '''Cancelled/Suspended''': *1-AIN-680 ''Extreme programming'' (done in winter semester) *1-AIN-646 ''Description logics, ontologies and semantic web'' - Homola, M. (moved to winter semester 2009/2010) *2-IKV-262, ''Computational psycholinguistics'' - Farkaš, I. *2-IKV-234, ''Knowledge Systems'' - Popper M. *2-IKV-182, ''Current theories of consciousness'' - Gál, E. |link = [[Education|More information in study program pages]] }} {{News |title = Seminar: Dr. Susanne Reiterer (Department of Neuroradiology, University of Tübingen, Germany) - Language talent: preliminary results from a large scale psycholinguistic and brain imaging study |when = Tuesday, 27 Jan 09, 16.00. I9 utorok, 27. januára 2009, 16:00, I9 |image = [[Image:MRI.jpg]] |text = In recent years we can observe an increasing interest into investigating individual differences in language learning capacity (talent or aptitude) with brain imaging techniques such as, in the first place, functional and anatomical magnetic resonance imaging. We performed a large-scale series of investigations of 130 individually gifted second language learners, scrutinizing their productive and perceptive second language capacities, their psychological profiles (e.g. personality), as well as their brains, by performing anatomical and functional MRI scans. In my talk I will try to give an overview of the preliminary results of our large sample studied. |link = }} {{News |title = ABCD Workshop on Automata Theoretic Methods in Algorithmic Algebra |when = November 24-26 2008 |image = [[Image:group.gif]] |text = International workshop that is organized at our Department from Monday to Wednesday is part of European program AutoMathA: Automata, Mathematics and Applications that is supported by the European Science Foundation. The main topics of the workshop are Automata and Logic, Automata and Groups, and Growth Functions. The lectures are public, you are invited to attend. |link = [http://capek.ii.fmph.uniba.sk/automatha/ More information at the workshop website...] }} {{News |title = FIRST LEGO League in Slovakia |when = November 14th 2008 |image = [[Image:fll-logo.gif]] |text = On Friday, November 14th, the FIRST LEGO League contest, organized by the Department of Informatics Education and our department took place in University Pastoral Center. See the video from contest published at [http://aktualne.centrum.sk/video/?id=958358 Aktualne.SK] |link = [http://robotika.sk/fll More information at the contest website...] }} {{News |title = Security of Web Applications (Invited Lecture) |when = October 29th 2008 15:40 lecture room B |image = [[Image:logo-owasp.gif]] |text = The course [[Modern Approaches to Web Design]] features an invited lecture "Security of web applications" by [http://www.linkedin.com/in/luptak Pavol Lupák] (Nethemba, OWASP). The lecture will give an insightful overview to of applications security and then concentrate on new types of security treats related to newly emerging web technology (AJAX, XML). |link = [http://tbc.blog.matfyz.sk/p10961-bezpecnost-webovych-aplikacii Lecture abstract...] }} {{News |title = Topics of Bachelor and Master Theses |when = September 19th 2008 |image = [[Image:thesis.jpg]] |text = Department of Applied Informatics has published the list of Bachelor and Master theses topics for the year 2008/2009. This list may be further updated. Students may inform the prospective advisers that they are interested in respective topics and ask them about further information about the topics. * [[Topics for Bachelor Theses]] * [[Topics for Diploma Theses]] |link = }} {{News |title = Public inauguration lecture of doc. Ing. Miloš Šrámek, PhD. |when = September 18th, 2008, 13:00 |image = [[Image:logo_fakulty.png]] |text = The faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics invites to the public inauguration lecture of doc. Ing. Miloš Šrámek, PhD. that will take place in auditorium C, on September 18th 2008 at 13:00 on the topic "Challenges of volumetric projections in medicine". |link = [http://www.fmph.uniba.sk/fileadmin/user_upload/editors/aktualne/kalendar/200809/HabIn/Sramek.pdf official invitation...] }} {{News |title = Special AI Seminar with guests Chiaki Sakama and Katsumi Inoue |when = September 6th, 2008, 09:00 |image = [[Image:kr.png]] |text = On September the 6th we will welcome prof. Chiaki Sakama from Wakayama University and prof. Katsumi Inoue from National Institute of Informatics in Japan. There will be a special seminar with invited talks by prof. Sakama and prof. Inoue in room I-9. Everyone is kindly invited. |link = See [[AI_Seminar_-_Special_Session_no_1|seminar programme]]. }} {{News | title = Launching the new website of the department | when = August 29th, 2008 | image = [[Image:launching.png]] | text = With the start of the new semester, we are launching this new and fresh website of our department, which now serves as the official website. You find here links and information to about all the subjects provided by our department, information about our research projects and other activities. Now, thanks to the Wiki technology, the content can be generated by all employees of the department, and we wish this will become a useful tool for both us and our students, as well as for public visitors. We wish to maintain the webpages in both Slovak and English languages. Please drop us a line at daiweb[[Image:zavinac.gif|@]]lists.ii.fmph.uniba.sk if you have any questions or comments. | link = [[Instructions|Contributors - please read the instructions...]] }} {{News | title = Diploma theses defence | when = June 3rd, 2008 | image = [[Image:defense.png]] | text = The 'last' graduates in the direction of Artificial Intelligence defended their theses. Look at a few snapshots from their presentations. | link = [[Diploma theses defense, June 3rd 2008]] }} [[Archived news|Archived news...]] Šablóny použité na tejto stránke: Šablóna:News (zobraziť zdroj) Šablóna:NewsItem (zobraziť zdroj) Späť na News/en. ← News/en