Zobrazenie zdroja stránky News/en Nemáte oprávnenie upravovať túto stránku z nasledovných dôvodov: Činnosť, ktorú požadujete, môže vykonať iba člen skupiny: Používatelia. Činnosť, ktorú požadujete, môže vykonať iba člen skupiny: Používatelia. Môžete si zobraziť a kopírovať zdroj tejto stránky: = News and Announcements = {{News |title = Public inauguration lecture of doc. Ing. Miloš Šrámek, PhD. |when = September 18th, 2008, 13:00 |image = [[Image:logo_fakulty.png]] |text = The faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics invites to the public inauguration lecture of doc. Ing. Miloš Šrámek, PhD. that will take place in auditorium C, on September 18th 2008 at 13:00 on the topic "Challenges of volumetric projections in medicine". |link = [http://www.fmph.uniba.sk/fileadmin/user_upload/editors/aktualne/kalendar/200809/HabIn/Sramek.pdf official invitation...] }} {{News | title = Launching the new website of the department | when = August 29th, 2008 | image = [[Image:launching.png]] | text = With the start of the new semester, we are launching this new and fresh website of our department, which now serves as the official website. You find here links and information to about all the subjects provided by our department, information about our research projects and other activities. Now, thanks to the Wiki technology, the content can be generated by all employees of the department, and we wish this will become a useful tool for both us and our students, as well as for public visitors. We wish to maintain the webpages in both Slovak and English languages. Please drop us a line at daiweb[[Image:zavinac.gif|@]]lists.ii.fmph.uniba.sk if you have any questions or comments. | link = [[Instructions|Contributors - please read the instructions...]] }} {{News | title = Diploma theses defence | when = June 3rd, 2008 | image = [[Image:defense.png]] | text = The 'last' graduates in the direction of Artificial Intelligence defended their theses. Look at a few snapshots from their presentations. | link = [[Diploma theses defense, June 3rd 2008]] }} [[Archived news|Archived news...]] {{Footer}} Šablóny použité na tejto stránke: Šablóna:News (zobraziť zdroj) Šablóna:NewsItem (zobraziť zdroj) Späť na News/en. ← News/en