Zobrazenie zdroja stránky Research Nemáte oprávnenie upravovať túto stránku z nasledovných dôvodov: Činnosť, ktorú požadujete, môže vykonať iba člen skupiny: Používatelia. Činnosť, ktorú požadujete, môže vykonať iba člen skupiny: Používatelia. Môžete si zobraziť a kopírovať zdroj tejto stránky: =Scientific Research at DAI= Research activities of DAI are chiefly focused on the the areas of computer graphics and computer vision, artificial intelligence, computational logic, and theory of programming. *'''Computer graphics and computer vision.''' Modeling and visualization of virtual cities. Navigation and cooperation in virtual environments. Dynamic system simulations. Medical applications of computer graphics and computer vision. Face recognition and tracking. *'''Artificial intelligence.''' Complex self-organizing systems. Language processing and modeling, addressed by symbolic (agents) but as well sub-symbolic (neural networks) approach. Knowledge representation in intelligent systems. Cognitive semantics. *'''Computational logic.''' Logic-based theory of knowledge representation, non-monotonic reasoning, logic programming (especially answer set programming), description logics, ontologies, semantic web. Reasoning under uncertainty. Logical aspects of multi-agent systems. *'''Theory of programming.''' Declarative programming, code verification, code transformation techniques, rewriting systems and constraint systems. Theory od concurrent processing, formal models and their applications on system specification, verification and information security. ==See also== See the following pages for more detailed research profile of our department: * [[Research Projects]] * [[Research Workgroups]] * [[Conferences]] * [[Selected Publications]] Šablóna použitá na tejto stránke: Šablóna:LangLessPlaceholder (zobraziť zdroj) Späť na Research. ← Research