Visual analysis of load on trees and hierarchically entangled resources (VALTHER)

(master thesis topic, back to master thesis topics)

Matej Novotný

The hierarchical resources (e.g. file systems) are an intriguing structure when analyzing the load, the performance, the size, or many other attributes of the individual nodes. A trivial example of such analysis of load on a hierarchy is the inspection of disk space occupied by different files and folders. Further applications include web-server load, file popularity in file sharing applications etc. The goal of this work is to create visualization(s) that will enable to interactively analyze the load on different nodes of the hierarchy as well as on different levels of the hierarchy. The load changes in time therefore a time-dependent visualization is another important aspect of the topic.



  1. C++/Delphi/Java, OpenGL


  1. Recommended course: Information Visualization
  2. Reading and comprehension of scientific text in english
  3. Elementary knowledge of computer graphics